We should _______ about others all the time.
1. run
2. talk
3. care
People read books in this place. We should be quiet here.
the library
What do you call it when people talk behind other people's backs and tell lies?
spreading rumors
What is one example of polite behavior on the subway?
standing in line, sitting quietly, giving up our seats
We should always _______ in line for the subway.
wait, stand
People stand in line to ride this form of transportation. We should sit quitely here as we ride from station to station.
the subway
What do you call your online name? Some people steal these names...
This behavior can make other people on the subway or bus feel sick and nauseous. It can be smelly....
eating food
We should be _________ for our own behavior.
1. polite
2. responsible
3. rude
We should be responsible for our own behavior.
People come here to see the art. We should not take pictures of some art pieces, since it may cause the colors to fade quickly.
This public place is not a physical place. We can access it with wifi.
Who should we give our seats to on the subway or bus?
We should give our seats to pregnant women or elders.
We should never ____________, even online.
1. talk mean
2. spread rumors
3. speak nicely
We should never spread rumors even online.
People come here to see musicians perform. They sit quitely and do not take flash pictures.
Some people write and post stories online. What do we call their websites?
blogs, they are bloggers
If you want to listen to music on the subway or bus, what do you need?
1. interrupt
2. spread
3. steal
It is easy to steal IDs online, but it is bad.
You should cover your mouth when you cough on this form of transportation. People listen to music with headphones here. They are high in the air....
What is a polite thing to do when we use information from websites online?
We should cite the website (1), and we should write "thank you" in the comments (2).
What are two examples of rude behavior online?
spreading rumors, stealing IDs, writing mean comments, stealing information, not citing websites