The Father of our Country
George Washington
Who wrote the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom?
Thomas Jefferson
Which crop drew all the nutrients from the earth and was especially hard on the soil?
What does Amend mean?
To make a change; change a law to make it fairer, more accurate
The Father of the Constitution
James Madision
Which invention led to new lands opening in the south and attracted settlers from Virginia?
The Cotton Gin
After the Revolution, why did so many Virginian's move west and to the deep south?
They hoped to find better farmland and new opportunites.
What is the fronteir?
Land beyond the boundaries of settled or mapped areas.
Which US politician believed all people should
be free to worship as they please and wrote the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Who wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights?
George Mason
During the move West, African American slaves were
sold to new owners in the south, or forced to move with their Virginia owners to the new land.
What is a constitution?
A written plan for a government
Which US president provided strong leadership to help the young country and modeled leadership for future presidents?
George Washington
The mechanical reaper allowed farmers to grow more wheat with fewer people. What effect did this have on Virginia's population?
It decreased as many people left the state in search of jobs.
What is the name of the narrow passage settlers had to cross on their journey to the western frontier?
The Cumberland Gap
What is a statute?
A formal written law, that declares, orders or forbids something.
What are two reasons James Madison is known as the father of the Constitution?
Believed in the importance of a U.S. constitution
Kept detailed notes during the Constitutional Convention
Used his skills at compromise, to help delegates reach an agreement as they wrote the Constitution of the United States
Which document emphasizes the freedoms of religion and freedom of the press in American and states the following...
All men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.
Virginia Declaration of Rights
How did Virginians impact the new areas they settled in?
By spreading their traditions, ideas and cultures.
What is a legislature?
An elected branch of the government that makes and changes laws and proposes changes to the Constitution.