People who support your recovery are willing to put your health ahead of personal wishes. True or False?
People who exhibit healthy lifestyles, strong recovery, and long-term sobriety are known as?
Recovery role models
Now that you are in recovery, you should only have friends who are in recovery as well. True or false?
During: Good times, Bad times, or all of the time?
All of the time
Sharing your recovery priorities and risks for relapse with your close supports is practicing what?
Openness or honesty
1 possible risk and 1 possible positive outcome of sharing your addiction history with your doctor?
May face stigma, might have them understand your needs better.
Definition of a support system?
Support you receive from those around you that uplifts you, helps you, gives you a sense of belonging and connection.
Educating family members of your recovery could be done in what 2 ways?
openly sharing experiences, taking them to a meeting, provide them with programming info
Things to look for in a support group/meeting? (2)
Comfortable number of people, people there were hopeful/optimistic, feel welcomed, want to come back, people there were living positive sober lifestyles
What are 3 groups that people in your support network can come from?
2 ways your supports could help you?
monitor your recovery progress, provide encouragement, provide feedback, be an outlet
4 Locations/activities where you could meet new and healthy people?
Gym, pool, coffee shop, library, volunteering, traveling, sports, hobbies, etc.
3 signs of a positve support?
understands addiction history, wants you to get better and healthier, does not have a current problem with substances, supports your goals, motivates you
Check-in regularly, call someone as needed, celebrate success, confront unhealthy behaviors
3 things to consider when choosing a sponsor?
number of years sober?, active involvement in recovery community?, likable?, are they available?, do you like talking/sharing with them?