Bill of Rights
Foreign Affairs
Domestic Affairs
To search an American citizen's property without a warrant would be a violation of the ______________________. 

The Fourth Amendment


At the Constitutional Convention, big states proposed the (1)________________ Plan, which apportioned representatives based on population, while small states proposed the (2) ___________________ Plan, which apportioned representatives equally. Ultimately, the  (3) ___________________ created the bicameral system that exists today. 

+100 each

1. What is Virginia Plan? 

2. What is the New Jersey Plan? 

3. What is the Connecticut Compromise? 


In terms of alliances and sympathies abroad, Antifederalists favored _____________ and Federalists favored _______________. 

France and Britain. 


This rebellion directed its ire against the federal government's decision to tax ______________ in order to fund Alexander Hamilton's banking bill. 

What is whiskey? 


9th Grade: Brody Rotner has cousins that attend Chandler Prep. 100 points for each cousin that you can name. 

11th Grade: Name either one of Mr. Bernal's parents. 100 points each. 

Swansons: Cooper, Isaac, Jude... 

Bernals: ______________


Name all the rights protected by the First Amendment. 




-Peaceable assembly



Describe the process by which Presidents are elected to the office. 

BONUS (+200): What happens if there is no clear winner? (Or a tie!)

Answers may vary.

This battle brought an end to Native American resistance in Ohio. (+200) What is the name of the American military commander at the end? 

What is Battle of Fallen Timbers? 

Who is "Mad" Anthony Wayne? 


This rebellion lead by _______________  shocked the nation into convening to amend the Articles of Confederation government

Who is Daniel Shays? 

The two most prominent "warnings" in George Washington's Farewell Address (1796).

What is (1) don't form political parties and (2) don't make permanent foreign alliances?


A provision of the ________________ protects Americans against "cruel and unusual punishment." 

Eighth Amendment


Describe the process by which the Constitution is amended. 

Bonus (+300): Where in the Constitution can you find this information? 

Answers may vary. Something like this: 

2/3 of both houses of Congress OR 2/3 of state legislatures PROPOSE. Then 3/4 of the legislatures of the states ratify. 

Article V of the Constitution! 


"No one could love" this agreement. It appeared to many as Pro-Britain and led to a growing rift with France, which culminated in the Quasi War. 

What is Jay's Treaty? 


Which part of the Constitution did Hamilton appeal to in his defense of the bank bill? 

Which part of the Constitution did Jefferson appeal to in his rejection of it?

Hamilton: Necessary and proper clause (Article I, Section 8) 

Jefferson: Tenth Amendment


Name the first two First Ladies? (The First Lady is the spouse of the President). 

1. Martha Washington

2. Abigail Adams


What is meant by the term "reserved powers"? Where can you find information about it in the Constitution? Then provide an example of a reserved power. 

Answers may vary. (10th Amendment should be mentioned!)


__________________ initiates impeachments and  proposes tax laws, according to the Constitution. 

House of Representatives


This dealt a significant blow to the Iroquois Nation, granting their Ohio and Pennsylvania land to American settlers. 

This agreement a decade later ended Indian resistance in Ohio territory altogether. (+400 for that one!). 

Treaty of Fort Stanwix (1784)

Treaty of Greenville (1795)


John Adams' administration was mired in controversy by the end, in part because his Congress passed the _______________________. What were they hoping to accomplish with these laws? Why were they so controversial? 

Alien and Sedition Acts. (The rest may vary). 

Name 3 of the first 5 presidential abodes. 

Mount Vernon




Oak Hill


Explain what rights are protected by the Seventh and Ninth Amendments. 

(Answers may vary). 

7th: "In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law." 

9th:" The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." 


You can find information about the executive branch in Article ___, the legislative branch in Article _____, and the judicial branch in Article _____. 

II, I, and III. 


Though Thomas Jefferson and the Republicans preferred to help the French in their Revolution, George Washington proclaimed the United States neutral in the conflict instead. Americans watched in horror as the French beheaded their king, whose name was ________________. 

BONUS (+500): Who was his son? 

Who is Louis XVI? 

Bonus: The Dauphin (Dolphin!), Louis XVII. 


Name the three components of Alexander Hamilton's financial plans as Secretary of State. Which two came to pass, and which did not? 

1. Establish national credit by assuming state debts.

2. Charter a national bank. 

3. Encourage manufacturing through government investment and high tariffs. 

The first two came to pass. The last one did not. 


9th Grade: Gianna Monti rides a horse named __________________________. 

11th Grade: Which member of this class had a parent who was in a rap group? What was his rapper name? 

9th: Who is Gus? 

11th: Who is Clare Bergin?