Mental Power
Emotional Intelligence
Social Skills
Physical Well Being
Personal Development

What is one way you can use your imagination to solve a problem?"

Using imagination to think of new ideas or coming up with creative solutions to everyday challenges.


What tool can we use to help us understand how we’re feeling and give a name to our emotions?

The Mood Meter (or other emotion-identifying tools introduced).


What is a social norm, and why are they important when we're around others?

Social norms are rules or expectations for how to behave in a group. They help people get along and make everyone feel comfortable


What is the mind-body connection, and why is it important to pay attention to both our thoughts and our bodies?

The mind-body connection means that our thoughts and feelings can affect how our body feels and vice versa. It’s important because when we take care of our mind and body, we feel better overall.


What is something that makes you unique or special, and why is it important to celebrate who you are?

Each person is unique because of their talents, personality, or interests. It’s important to celebrate who we are because our differences make us special and help us contribute to the world


If you're trying to figure out how to build a tower that won't fall down, what is one strategy you could use?

Testing different designs, using trial and error, or thinking critically about what might make the tower stable.


What is one thing you can do if you're feeling really angry to help calm down before reacting?

Taking deep breaths, counting to ten, or finding a quiet space to cool off.


What is one thing you can do to build a strong friendship or relationship with someone?

Listening, being kind, spending time together, or helping each other.


Why is it important to eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables?

A balanced diet gives our body the energy and nutrients it needs to grow strong, stay healthy, and have enough energy for the day.


What is one good habit that can help you be successful, and why are good habits important?

Good habits like brushing your teeth or doing homework help us stay healthy and reach our goals. They are important because they create patterns that lead to success


What is a 'growth mindset,' and why is it important when you’re learning something new?

A growth mindset means believing you can get better at something with practice and effort. It's important because it helps you keep trying, even when things are hard.


What is an 'I statement,' and why is it helpful when expressing how you feel?

An 'I statement' is a way to express your feelings without blaming others. For example, “I feel upset when I don’t get a turn.” It helps others understand how you're feeling.


When you disagree with a friend, what’s one thing you can say or do to help solve the problem peacefully?

Use 'I statements,' stay calm, listen to their side, or suggest a compromise


Can you name one reason why exercising or staying active is important for our bodies?

Exercise helps us stay strong, healthy, and fit, gives us more energy, and can even improve our mood.


Why is it important to have good morals and values, and can you give an example of doing the right thing even when no one is watching?

 Good morals and values help us make good decisions and treat others with kindness and respect. An example might be telling the truth or helping someone without being asked


What does it mean to be mindful, and how can being mindful help you during the school day?

Being mindful means paying attention to the present moment without getting distracted. It can help you stay calm, focused, and better at managing your emotions.


Why is it important to forgive others, and what does it mean to let go of something that upset you?

Forgiving helps us move on and feel better. Letting go means not holding onto anger or sadness after something bad has happened


What does teamwork mean, and why is it important when working with others on a project or game?

Teamwork means working together to reach a goal. It’s important because everyone brings different strengths, and working together makes the task easier and more fun


What does it mean to have a positive body image, and why should we love our bodies just the way they are?

Positive body image means feeling good about how our body looks and what it can do. We should love our bodies because they are all unique and help us do amazing things every day


What is one goal you’ve set for yourself, and what steps can you take to achieve it?

Students will share their own goals (e.g., learning to read better, making new friends). Steps might include practicing regularly, asking for help, and not giving up.


We all learn in different ways! Can you name one of the multiple intelligences and explain what someone with that intelligence might be good at?

(Examples may include) Someone with musical intelligence is good at understanding sounds and rhythms, or someone with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence learns best by doing hands-on activities.


What is empathy, and how can showing empathy help you be a better friend?

Empathy is understanding how someone else feels and being kind or supportive. It helps you know when someone needs help or a friend to talk to.


What does it mean to include someone, and why is it important to celebrate diversity?

Including someone means making sure they feel welcome and part of the group. Celebrating diversity is important because it helps us learn from each other’s differences and makes everyone feel valued.


What is one self-care practice you can do to take care of yourself and stay healthy?

Brushing teeth, washing hands, getting enough sleep, or taking a bath/shower to keep clean and healthy


Why is it important to love yourself and accept who you are, and how can you be kind to yourself when things are hard?

Loving and accepting yourself means recognizing that you are special and valuable just the way you are. You can be kind to yourself by using positive words, trying your best, and not being too hard on yourself when you make mistakes