To add a new staff member, navigate here
What is Settings>Users>Add staff member
The navigation steps to import a Property is this
What is Settings > Import data > click on Upload data File > click on Rentals
A unit without a lease is known as this
What is a vacant unit?
A PM lost her phone and needs to sign in by asking the Admin to do this
What is Bypass 2Fa on next sign in
This subscription plan is ticket support only
What is Essential?
This User role has access to everything
What is an Administrator?
The navigation steps to download an Association template is this
What is Settings > Import data > click on Upload data > click on Associations > click on the Excel template link for Associations
Listing contacts can be added in this menu
What is listing settings?
A PM doesn't have a settings menu on her account, you advise them to ask this other staff member with this role to navigate here
What is Administrator, Settings > User Roles > Administrative Menu
This plan gets a 10% discount
What is an annual plan?
A password, text number and/or authenticator app
What is 2FA?
The order of the import operation is upload the property > then upload the tenant > then add the bank account for the property. Is this true or false?
What is False. Add the bank account before adding anything else
Rentals units being listed to a site is known as
What is syndication?
A new customer wants to syndicate their listings, you do this?
What is submit a case and escalate it to the Syndication team
This plan is a minimum of 50 units
What is Growth?
Permissions to View, Edit, Delete menu items
What is a User Role?
The error "Bank account does not exist or is inactive" means this
What is the bank account is inactive; not listed the same as the template; or the bank account has not been added to Buildium
Units that are not occupied can be found on this tab
What is unlisted units?
The Admin wants to add specific access to only 1 of their 5 Property Managers, you advise the customer to do this
What is create a new role for that specific PM
If a monthly plan is cancelled on July 15, this is the number of days remaining on the plan
What is 16 days?
A PM who is also an RO using the same email is referred to as this
What is a dual user?
A customer reports that they tried to upload their export Excel file from Quickbooks and is getting an error message. We recommend that the customer do this
What is Buildium imports is not compatible with other software's exports. We recommend they download our import templates and copy the information over to the required fields in each template
A vacant unit represents this to a PM
What is potential loss of income?
An import is stuck "analyzing", you do this
What is reach out to a lead or agent with superpowers to "cancel pending import"
The Premium plans offers this primary enhancement to their Buildium account
What is API?