The theme this year is: "using what the Lord has given you...". Complete this statement

Using what the Lord has given you to overcome uniquely.


A beautiful dance/handkerchief ministration was done in 2022 for Easter. What song was this ministration done to?

Yesu Edi Nkunim


What is the name of the Joseph Prince book that we read as a ministry?

Destined to Reign


How many years did we study the book of Ephesians?

5 years.


When we evangelized at Newark Penn Station, who stayed behind, and for what reason?

Reverend Joseph stayed behind at the church to pray for us while we evangelized.


Part of our theme for 2023 was "developing the character of Christ." What other 2 actions were apart of this theme? 

Walk in the character of Christ. Witness the character of Christ.


What is the name of the Michelle Williams song we ministered? 

When Jesus Says Yes


What are the two books we have read by this ministry by Kenneth E. Hagin?

The Believer's Authority and The Name of Jesus


What was Reverend Joseph's famous response when he asked us to contribute in the beginning of each Wednesday class and there was silence?

"I take it for granted that no one did the homework."


"Silence means concern"


During our last go-kart race, it became obvious that we have a grandma driver in the group. Who is this individual? 

Princess Kk!

What was our theme in 2020?

Mind of God/Having the mind of Christ


For Easter in 2019, we did a dance ministration. What song was that to?

Now Behold the Lamb


In the face of persecution, which of God's Generals responded with this sentence: "I have not been called to defend myself"?

Maria Woodworth-Etter


List at least one way Paul refers to himself in the book of Ephesians

1. An apostle of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:1)

2. The prisoner of Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:1 & Ephesians 4:1)


What was the theme of our last escape room activity?

"Under Pressure"- the theme was about being in a submarine that loses power and there is limited oxygen. The goal is to reinstate the power!


In 2018, our theme was about how we live. What was the theme?

Living Jesus.


We reenacted a skit called "the stool." What was the skit about? 

This skit was about a girl giving Jesus a stool to take a seat and have authority over her life, but she constantly sat in the stool instead. This was a lesson about how we ask God to make decisions in our lives, but we constantly disregard Him and ultimately make our own decisions, which leads to disaster.


Which of God's Generals was determined to have the largest tent in the nation?

Jack Coe


Ephesians 4:26 says: "Be angry, and do not sin: do not let the sun go down on your wrath"?

What is the revelation/understanding of this verse?

Paul is not giving us a pass to be angry with one another, but rather, to not have unrighteous anger (because unrighteous anger is the same as the sun going down on your anger). Rather, we should have RIGHTEOUS anger.


List 4 items that were on the menu when Sis Adei & Sis KK warmly invited us to their home.

White rice, stew, jollof, kabobs, fried plantains, chicken, Ghana salad, sliced potato/yams 


In 2016, our theme was "A year of __________." Fill in the blank.

A year of better service.


Years ago, a ministration was done by one of us, and the first line was "it's over now." What kind of ministration was it, and what was it about?

This ministration was a poem, first starting with the excitement of being at the gate of heaven and seeing the Lord, but then being met with horror and anguish when the Lord turns this individual away, saying "Do I know you?". It is a call to action to be serious about the Lord while we have the chance.


Which of God's Generals was abducted by the KKK so they could receive a private message/sermon?

Aimee Semple McPherson


List all 7 pieces of the armor of God.

1. Belt of truth

2.Breastplate of righteousness

3. Feet fitted w/ readiness from the gospel of peace

4. Shield of faith

5. Helmet of salvation

6. Sword of the spirit (word of God

7. Prayer [in the spirit]

(Ephesians 6:14-18): 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.


In what year did we have our church car wash?