How many different items can you put in a bucket?
7 (Cod, Salmon, Tropical Fish, Puffer Fish, Water, Milk, and Lava)
Which Pokemon generation added the most amount of Pokemon
Generation 5 (156)
Who is in the "Yea, this is big brain time." meme?
What is the largest franchise in the world?
What year was Left 4 Dead 2 released?
How do you craft a piston?
Which Pokemon generation added the least amount of Pokemon? (Excluding Sword and Shield)
Generation 6 (72)
What is a meme app that has a watermark placed on all of it's images that most people hate?
Which fast food franchise has obtained a large following by roasting people on Twitter?
When was the GameBoy Advanced released?
How long does it take to break Obsidian with your fist?
4 Minutes and 10 seconds
How many Eevee evolutions are there?
8 (Flareon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Sylveon)
Recite the other 3 panels of this meme to me
What fast food franchise made a burger with squid ink?
Burger King
Which Call Of Duty game sold the most copies?
Modern Warfare 3 (30.71 Million copies)
In Minecraft version 1.14 what block has the ID# 69?
Which Pokemon games allowed you to fight 16 gyms?
Gold, Silver, Crystal, Heart Gold, and Soul Silver
What Youtuber often has bits of his videos turned into gifs that people use as memes?
In 2012 what fast food franchise invented a pizza made out of cheese burgers?
Pizza Hut
Will you get this question right?
What was recorded to get the sounds of the ghast?
The sleeping cat of C418.
What two generations added the most Legendary Pokemon that couldn't evolve?
Generations 4 and 5
What is the definition of Meme?
An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
Which fast food franchise sells Baked Potatoes?
What year were Potatoes discovered?