When I was a tyke, I loved to ride my motorized _
My last name
Overgrown Calamari monster that would capsize ships.
The name of the main character in Naruto
70% of the human body in a bottle
A water bottle
The goalies at the soccer game cried Phooey, while Christiano Ronaldo screamed out—
The name of the fish I had when I was 3. I was the one who named it.
Fishy. RIP.
When a monster attacks a ship And shatters it into pieces, the ship would be considered this word.
In the notorious series, Dragon ball, the main cast would search for what?
Dragon balls.
A paper that was made to loosen marital ties.
Divorce Papers.
When I put this on bread, my heart goes a-flutter, I would kill for a jar of-
Peanut Butter.
When my Mom gave me a fish, it died, my Mom didn’t want to tell me what death was since I was three, so she made me a dead fish for this amount of months.
a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services.
This is One-Punch Mans real name.
This tool is commonly used in murder or in baking.
A knife covered in blood.
In France the bakers always know what I want, I want a delicious-
The amount of teeth I have that are fake.
Rhymes with ten and is a name
The series that the character Donquixote Donflamingo
One piece
Written on this thing was “I’m sorry police but by the time you’ve read this I’ll have already gotten away in my getaway vehicle.
Sticky Note
One time I sniffed a piece of dung, it smelled bad so I breathed the smell out of my-
The amount of 7 year old’s I’ve slapped.
This word ends with the sound en but doesn’t actually. The definition is to do multiple times.
Translate this sentence from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Hello, Im jojo, and in this book i'm gonna go on a bizarre adventure,
This man 5,11 and was born in the year 2000
Alan Tong