Conflict VS Bullying
Bully Free Zone
Stopping a Bully
Bully Characteristics
Consequences of Bullying

What is conflict and what are two types of animals do you want to be like in a conflict? (turtle, shark, owl)

Conflict is a normal part of life. It is a disagreement between two (or more) equals. Typically both sides are upset. It usually involves a compromise. Being kind, wise, and respectful like two owls is ideal. 


Name some ways to be a friend or budy and not a bully.

Examples: treat others the way you want to be treated, compromise when there is a conflict, be nice to others, sit with someone who is by himself/herself, and speak up for others in need, be respectful. 


If someone says or does something that hurts, what can you do?

Speak up if you feel safe enough, tell someone you trust, and walk away. You should take care of yourself, such as taking deep breaths, going for a walk, or doing something you enjoy.


True or False. You can tell if a person is a bully just based off his or her appearance.

False. Anyone can be a bully. They don't look any different than anyone else.


What effects can bullying someone have on another person?

Cause them to be sad, depressed, scared, feel lonely. In bad situations, people can develop anxiety or deep depression where they might want to harm themselves or others. This is usually when it is prolonged and untreated. Seeing a counselor is helpful for a lot of people. Be kind and nice to others always! You never know what they might be going through. 


What is bullying?

Bullying is meant to hurt, harm, or humiliate another person. The bully has more power in the relationship, as they don't feel bad, but the target of bullying feels bad. It is not equal. It can be physical, verbal, emotional, or cyber.

True or False. Texting on your phone about a person or talking bad about another person behind someone's back when they are in the room with you is a form of bullying.

True. We shouldn't text negative things about a person or talk bad about other people when they are in the room with us. It isn't a nice thing to do, and the other person usually finds out about it, notices it, or can feel it which can hurt their feelings.


Name two good things a witness of bullying can do.

Help the person walk away. Talk with them about what you observed. Bring them to a trusted adult. 


True or False. Bullying happens through texting or on social media.

True. Some bullies use technology to bully. Example- texting behind someone's back, taking their photo without them knowing, and passing it around with a mean message.  Writing out your angry feelings on FB or posting photos that will intentionally hurt the targeted person. 


What can happen if you bully people?

Get in trouble with your supervisor. Get written up. Get in trouble with the law. Get suspended from school. Get a restraining order. Go to court. 


What are some 3 tips to solving a conflict?

Stop and cool off, Listen, reflect back on what you hear, use the sandwich approach, use I statements, compromise, use HALT method, apologize


What is the I statement formula?

When you say/said or do/did ____________ I felt _____________________because it makes me feel____________


True or False. is conflict a natural part of relationships?

True. Conflict is a natural part of all relationships: family, siblings, coworkers, and friends. This is why it is important to learn tips on how to deal with conflict. 


True or False. A person can be both a bully and a target. 

True! A person can be hurt by a bully and then turn around and hurt the person right back. This is why it is important to learn skills and tips on how to walk away or leave conflict before it damages a relationship. 


Between a turtle, shark, and an owl, which animal is most like a bully? Explain your answer. 

A shark.  They attack when you least expect it. Things they do hurt deeply like a shark bite. A shark attack can kill and bullying can kill someone's spirit and joy. 


What is a compromise?

When both people win a little and lose a little.


True or False? Is bullying common? 

True. Bullying is not cool or fun to deal with. Unfortunately, it does happen so we should learn skills to handle it so we are ready when it does happen. Bul


What should you do if you think you are being bullied?

Use your words to calmly talk to the person and stick up for yourself. If that doesn't work, get help from an adult.


Name at least two different types of bullying.

Physical (such as hitting, kicking, punching)

Verbal (teasing, name-calling)

Emotional (making someone feel bad about themselves)

Technology Bullying (Social Media or Texting; it happens online)


True or False. Most people have practiced bully-like behaviors at least once in their life. 

True. Unless you are Gandhi, Buddha, or Mother Theresa, most people have acted with bullying behaviors at least once in their lives. We don't always want to admit this. This is why we need to check ourselves and make sure we handle conflict with respect and kindness. 


Explain how bullying is different than conflict.

Conflict takes place between two equals. Bullying is not equal. Bullying is meant to hurt someone, but conflict is a natural part of friendship. Conflict occurs sometimes, but bullying takes place repeatedly.


Who is responsible for preventing bullying? 

We all are.


Name two good things you can do when you feel angry or upset in the midst of a conflict? 

Feel the textures around you, count things in like colors, walk away, take deep breaths, listen to calming music, read a book, talk to a friend or family member, and color. 


Can conflict turn into bullying?

Yes. Sometimes, a conflict can go too far and turn into bullying.


What can an owl say or do for a turtle to help them come out of its shell?

An owl type of person can say they care about them. Can ask questions to draw them out. Can coach them on how to stand up to the bully.