Random Trivia
Teasing vs. Bullying
How to deal with Bullies
Bully Prevention

How many continents are there in the world?



Bullying is ok if it is in fun

false, in fun or not if it is intentional, repeated behavior it is bullying.


If being bullied tell them to stop and if that doesn't work then fighting a bully is the best answer.

No, tell the bully to stop and look for support but fighting is not the answer.

Bystanders who are laughing, are they helping or hurting the situation and why?
Hurting because they are encouraging the bully to continue

What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?


If someone gives you a dirty look or makes a rude comment about you it is bully behavior.
false, one dirty look or one rude comment is not bullying, it is just rude behavior but it still should not be tolerated.

Name four people to turn to for help if you are being bullied.

Friends, teachers, counselors, parents, trusted adults

Why do you reach out for help when dealing with bullies?
There is power in numbers. It is harder for a bully to stand up to a crowd and he/she is less likely to bully in the future if he/she knows they have to take on several people.

How many colors are there in a rainbow?


If someone teases you just ignore it.
false, teasing can lead to more teasing and even turn into bullying. Friends can tend to tease one another but we need to remember that it still hurts and can easily be taken too far.

How do kids feel when they get bullied?

sad, mad, confused, scared

If you are nice to someone will that possibly decrease bullying?
Yes, bullies usually bully because they have no friends or want friends or want to fit in. If you are nice to them they may not feel the need to bully. It is also harder to bully someone being nice to you.

What is the name of the tallest animal on Earth?


A friend can not bully you.
False, friends can be bullies and can hurt you, sometimes more than non-friends because you don't expect them to hurt you.

Are you a bad kid if you are being bullied?


Is it tattling when you tell on a bully?
Some people would say "yes" but it is not tattling when bullies are involved. We all need help and need to stick together to stop bullying.

What is the video game where you play as a blue hedgehog that collects rings.


What are the three necessary components that make rude behavior bully behavior?
Repeated (behavior continually happens) Intentional (not accidental-behavior happens on purpose) Power (one person has more power/control over the other person)
What do kids think about themselves sometimes if they are bullied 

they dont like themselves, they cant make new friends, they are scared to speak up

What is the best way to prevent bullying?
???? There are man, discuss as a class multiple options.