Making fun of somebody for wearing glasses
Problems in these areas of the health triangle
Physical, Mental, and Social Health
It is unwanted and aggressive behavior
Watching bullying happen and doing nothing about it, or encouraging the bully, or joining in is considered being a _________?
Spreading a rumor that somebody cheated on their Spanish test
Can cause someone to have poor performance in ________.
There is a power imbalance in bullying
This kind of person stands up for others when they're being bullied and helps to stop it.
Hiding somebodies laptop from them.
Bullying can cause physical health problems such as what?
Lack of sleep, lack of appetite
Bullying is a one time thing.
False, repeated action
We can create a positive school environment by doing what?
Being kind and inclusive to everyone.
Leaving a comment on an Instagram post saying "OMG ur so ugly u should delete this" (2 types)
Cyber, Verbal
Can cause someone to have Low _____ - ________
If you see cyberbullying on Instagram, keeping the evidence is a bad idea.
False, keep the evidence to be able to show a trusted adult to help put it to a stop.
If you see Bryan keeps smacking Charlie on the head and keeps calling him ugly in the cafeteria, what can you do?
Tell an adult, tell them to stop, be a friend to Charlie
Shoving somebody into a locker, taking pictures of it and posting it on Snapchat (3 types)
Physical, Social, Cyber
Mental health issues like having _______ or _________.
Depression, anxiety, stress
Physical Bullying is worse than verbal bullying
False, both are harmful
2 ways Cyber Bullying can be extra harmful
Everybody online can see it, it can never go away, people can hide behind fake profiles, people can say things you wouldn't say to someone's face.