Helping hands
Why do kids bully
Physical Bullying
Verbal Bullying
True or False: Anonymous bullying IS really anonymous
Why do some kids not take an action to stop bullying when they see it?
They are scared or they join the bullying
Why do you think kids bully? (opinion)
If teacher thinks answer is correct give full points, if teacher thinks answer is not correct give no points
What is a minor case of physical bullying?
Pushing, pointing, getting in someones face.
Is verbal bullying used more by girls or boys?
Girls, girls are more subtle, which means that they are more devastating than boys.
What is a basic definition of cyber bullying
Cyber bullying is where teens bully other kids through the internet or social media sites
What would you want your mom or dad to do if you told them you were getting bullied?
if teacher thinks answer is good then give them full points if not give them half. (this is a opinion question)
If you are a friend to someone that bullies others, then should you talk to the friend and tell how you feel or tell a teacher?
Tell them how you feel, tell them to stop and if it don't listen then you tell a teacher.
True or false: Simple stuff like calling someone a name or stealing there pencil is not bullying.
How can verbal bullying affect someone?
It can affect someones self-image, self-esteem, or cause depression.
What are at least 4 social media sites that bullying occurs on?
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Vine, Ask
What should you do if you report bullying and it is not stopped by a staff member or adult?
Keep reporting it until the situation is handled
How do you think kids become bullies?
They have gotten bullied before and they want to make sure that it never happens again so they become the bully.
Have you ever been bullied physically or bullied anyone physically?
If member was bullied and they give a good example give full points If member did admit to doing the bullying give double the points.
What is an EXTREME case of verbal bullying
The victim doesnt know what to do, wants to escapes, and commits suicide
What are some of the things you can do when you see cyber bullying????
Screen shot and report it, tell a parent, teacher, principal, (adult), tell them to stop.
True or False: Kids can be helping hands to victims of bullying, but can also be helping hands to the bullies also.
True, Kids can help the other kids (The Bully) bully other kids.
Bonus: True or false: Will kids become a bullly if they are a bystander in a bullying situation
True, kids that are bystanders can help bully the kid(s) that are getting bullied by the other kids(the bully). If correct give team 30 more points.
Would you consider "stalking" bullying??
Yes, according to the boone county sheriffs department stalking can cause alarm or serious annoyance.
What are 3 examples of verbal bullying?
Name calling, teasing, writing mean notes, spreading rumors,etc