Bullying Bystanders
The Effects of Bullying
Forms of Bullying

What is a Bystander?

What is: a person who stands/watches bullying happen in action and does nothing to stop it?


The effects of bullying can be long lasting for victims. What feelings could a victim experience while getting bullied?

What is: Fear, Depression, Loneliness, Anxiety, Low Self-Esteem, Physical Illness, and Suicide?


How many different types of Bullying is there?

What is: Six?


Why don't bystanders stop bullies?

What is: A person could be afraid of becoming the next target for the bully?


True of False: 1 out of 8 kids are bullied in school?

What is: False? 1 out of 5 kids are bullied.


True or False: Physical bullying is the most obvious form of intimidation and can consist of kicking, hitting, biting, pinching, hair pulling, and making threats. 

What is: True?


True of False: By doing nothing you are showing the bully that their behavior is acceptable.

What is: True? 


True or False: 2.6 million students skip school at some point in the year due to bullying?

What is: False? 5.4 million 


True or False: Verbal bullying does NOT accompany physical behavior.

What is: False? Verbal bullying OFTEN accompanies physical behavior. 


Which option below, as a bystander, can you do to safely support the victim?

A). Don't laugh

B). Don't encourage the bully in anyway

C). Don't participate 

D). Don't be an "audience" for the bully

E). All of the above 

What is: E). All of the above?


True or False: 9 our of 10 LGBTQ students experienced harassment at school. 

What is: True?


Bullying and Harassment are similar as they are both about which of the following? 

A). Power and Control

B). Actions that hurt or harm another person physically, emotionally

C). The target of having difficulty stopping the action directed at them. 

D). All of the above

What is D). All of the above?


What is an Upstander?

What is: A person that takes action to stop the bully whether it be by telling the bully to stop, getting other people to stand up with them, helping the victim, and telling an adult?


True or False: Every 15 seconds a child is bullied.

What is: False? 7 seconds


What are some strategies to reinforce messages of kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.

What is: Positive adult role modeling, mentoring, and age appropriate approaches to kindness, acceptance, and age inclusion?