What is the difference between bullying and teasing?
Bullying is being hurtful repeatedly and on purpose.
Teasing is light-hearted joking between friends, where no one's feelings are hurt.
What is the definition of bullying?
Being hurtful to someone repeatedly and on purpose.
What is an upstander?
A person who speaks or acts in support of an individual; someone who stands up for a person being attacked or bullied
What is the largest mammal in the world?
Blue Whale
What is cyber bullying?
Cyber bullying is when someone does or says mean things to or about another person using a phone, computer or other electronic device.
A group of students is playing basketball in PE. Whenever someone tries to make a shot, the other students shout, "miss! miss! miss!". Everyone is having fun and no one's feelings are hurt.
Is this bullying?
No, this is not bullying.
What should you do if you see someone being bullied?
Tell a trusted adult and report it.
What piece on a chess board moves in an L-shape?
The Knight
What is physical bullying?
Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical bullying includes:
A student intentionally bumps into a classmate whenever they pass each other in the hallway, and encourages other students to laugh.
Is this bullying?
Yes, that is bullying.
You can invite that person to join the group activity, or talk to a trusted adult.
Which country invented ice cream sundaes?
The United States
What is social bullying?
Social bullying involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social bullying includes:
Two students are arguing about who should be captain of their team.
Is this bullying?
No, that is not bullying.
Why is it important to stand up for other people who are being bullied?
To create a positive classroom community, and to show others that you care.
Anything else?
What does AI stand for?
Artificial Intelligence
What is verbal bullying?
Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal bullying includes:
Is this bullying?
Yes, that is bullying.
What is the golden rule?
The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them.
Making his debut in 1990's "Super Mario World," what is the name of the enemy-eating, egg-throwing green dinosaur who serves as a sidekick to Mario and Luigi in the Mario franchise?