What is Physical Bullying
Physical Bullying is hitting , kicking, punching, shoving, etc.
What are places Cyber Bullying can happen?
email, text messages, social media sites, Facebook, twitter, instagram, Tiktok, online gaming , chat rooms,
Bullying a normal part of life
Most bystanders help support the target of the bullying ?
There are 4 types of bullying, Physical , Verbal, Cyberbullying and .....
Social Bullying - isolating someone, not including them to play at recess, sit with you at lunch
An Upstander is someone who ?
An Upstander is someone who stand up to the bully and defends/ helps the target
Why is cyberbullying the most prevalent form of bullying ?
Cyberbullying is so prevalent because more and more people are online. People cyberbully because they think they can hide behind a screen and be anonymous.
You cant get in trouble if you share a negative post of comment that someone else posted online
Bystanders who witness bullying often feel the same emotions as the target such as confusion, fear, etc.
What is bullying?
Bullying is when a person is exposed, repeatedly, on purpose to negative, hurtful actions
What is the difference between Conflict and bullying
Conflict occurs, between people who have equal power in the relationship. Both individuals might be emotional and upset, but neither is seeking control or attention. They also are respectful of each other even though they disagree. When people experience conflict, they often feel remorse and take responsibility for their actions.
Bullying is a deliberate act with the purpose of hurting, insulting, or threaten another person. There is also an imbalance of power Bullying is also repeated and purposeful. Bullying also poses a threat of serious emotional or physical harm. While a bully feels little remorse, the target is usually visibly upset.
If you are cyberbullied you should report the page/person to the site
Reporting bullying is the same as being a snitch, tattler, or rat
Bystanders often do not help the target because
-they do not know what to do
-they are afraid the bully will retaliate and than start bullying them
There are many roles a that people can play in bullying such as
Bully- Target- Upstander- Bystander
Who should you report bullying to?
Your parents and a trusted adult: teacher , principal, assistant principal, social worker, guidance counselor.
What is the effect that Cyber Bullying has on children?
Cyber bullying may lead to low self- esteem, depression, school absenteeism , failing grades or dropping out of school, suicide.
There are no consequences for bullying at PS/MS 146.
FALSE. Our Chancellors Regulations have strict guidelines and a disciplinary code for anyone who bullies, harasses or discriminates another student - such as suspension or explosion.
Most bystanders do not agree with the bullying
Bully usually takes place between a person who is ------ than the target.
Bigger, taller or stronger in size, height Or socially more popular.
Can anyone be bullied?
Yes, anyone can be bullied. Even the bully.
If you are playing a online game and you call another player (even if they are a stranger) bad names is this considered cyberbullying?
Our school has a Respect for All Liaison that bullying incidents should be reported to
True- Mrs Amato
Bystanders who encourage the bullying and join in can get in the same amount of trouble as the bully