Is it Bullying?
Report it!
True or False?
Stop the Spread
Tie breakers!

Someone cut you in line. 

No this is not bullying. How could it turn into bullying? 


Who do I report bullying to? 

A trusted adult like your teacher, counselor, principal, or caregiver. 


Bullying only happens at school. 

False, bullying can happen anywhere like in your neighborhood, online, or on the bus. 

What is the person called who witnessed the bullying behavior?



What is the difference between teasing and bullying? 

Teasing is done without the intention of harming the other person. Bullying is meant to be hurtful and is ongoing towards a specific person. 


Your classmate calls you names every day. 

Yes, this is bullying. It is repeated and targeted statements from the same person. 

Do I have to be the victim to report bullying?

No! If you see something, say something. 


If you are being bullied, it is best to take matters into your own hands. 

False, you should never engage with a bully. Always tell a trusted adult who will know how to handle the bullying behavior. 


What is an Upstander?

A bystander who helps the person being bullied by comforting them and telling an adult what you saw. 


What if someone makes a false report about me being a bully? 

Don't worry, the adults at school will do a full investigation to determine what exactly happened. 


Your classmate constantly clicks their pen every day and does not stop when you ask them to. 

No, this is not bullying. While this is annoying, you can use a conflict resolution strategy or coping skill to solve this problem.


When should I report the bullying behaviors that I have witnessed? 

You should report as soon as possible! The faster your trusted adult knows about the bullying, the sooner they can intervene. 


What if my bully physically hurts me? Can I hurt them back? 

No, you should never hurt, hit, or fight with someone back. You should immediately get help from an adult. 


What do I do if someone tells me something about another person that may or may not be true, and the other person does not know about what I heard? 

Do not tell anyone else unless it is a trusted adult you are reporting it to. By stopping the spread of gossip, you can stop a situation turning into bullying. 


Bullying can have long term effects on the victim into adulthood.

True! How?


Someone in your class continuously tries to exclude you at recess and encourages others to do the same.

Yes, this is bullying.

What if I don't want anyone else to know I made a report? 

Your trusted adult will keep your name private unless you tell us otherwise!


Calling someone a "bully" can escalate a situation. 

True. It is best to not call someone a bully. Instead, use phrases like "What you just said was hurtful" or "I don't care what you think about me." When talking to someone that is bullying you, make sure to stay calm and ensure that your words and actions are not hurtful. 


Do I have to directly stand up to the person bullying in order to stop it from happening? 

No, you do not have to stand up to the bully if you do not feel comfortable. 


A bully may be bullying because they were bullied by someone else. 

True! Hurt people, hurt people. 


Someone has been sending hurtful text messages/DMs to you and has now started spreading rumors online about you. 

Yes, this is called cyber bullying. If you receive hurtful or threatening messages online, or someone is spreading online rumors about you, we call it cyber bullying. Tell a trusted adult when this happens and disengage with the person messaging you. 


What if the bullying behavior doesn't stop after I report it? 

Tell your trusted adult again, along with another adult. The more adults in the building who know, the more people there will be to help solve the bullying situation. 


Bullies are often have trouble making friends.

False, anyone can be a bully no matter how many friends they have or don't have. 


What can we do as a full class to stop bullying? 

Make an effort to give each other compliments, stand up for those who you see are being bullied, take a pledge against bullying. What else can you think of? 


What is a henchman? 

The person that supports the bully and their actions.