Bullying 1
Bullying 2
Bullying 3
Bullying 4

True or False? 

Bullying is when someone is mean to you one time.



Name 3 people you can tell if you see bullying.

Teacher, parents, principal, responsible adults


Bullying is: 

negative behavior directed by someone exerting power and control over another person. It involves repeated, unwanted words or actions.


Conflict happens when: 

two people who are equal in the relationship (think: friends or classmates) but have two different points of view about what’s going on. 


What are the characteristics of a healthy friendship? 

Students should have a least 3 characteristics.

1. Enjoy spending time together

2. Loyal

3. Trustworthy

4. Caring and willing to listen

5. Accepting

6. Understanding


Describe 2 things you can do if you see bullying happen.

 Answers will vary. 


True or False?

Leaving someone out on purpose is bullying if it is repeated. 


A mean moment is: 

When someone does something that cannot be considered a conflict or bullying. It is identified if it is one time, hurtful, on purpose and one sided.


Hitting, kicking, stealing, vandalizing are examples of what type of bullying? 

Physical bullying


True or False?

A good friend will ask you to do their homework.


A good friend would support you and encourage you to ask for help from a teacher. 


What are the four components of a true bullying situation? 

Hurtful, intentional, repeated, and an imbalance of power


At what point does conflict between students become bullying? 

When an imbalance of power occurs.


Telling someone who they can or cannot be friends with is what type of bullying? 

Social bullying


True or False?

Reporting is tattling/snitching



Give 2 reasons why choosing good friends matter.

Answers will vary. Here are some examples:

- You are less likely to be pressured to do things that are wrong or against your values.

- You enjoy life more because you're sharing experiences with people who share similar interests & want to spend time with you.

- You surround yourself w/people who will motivate you, support you, and celebrate your success. 


When someone intentionally says mean/hurtful things repeatedly, it is what type of bullying? 

Verbal bullying


Destroying/ruining someone's reputation or relationship through rumors, etc. can be bullying.



True or False?

Verbal bullying happens to everyone, its just a part of growing up.

FALSE! Any type of bullying is not ok. You should report any bullying to an adult in the school. 


Calling someone names every day or teasing them is what type of bullying. 

Verbal bullying


What is the friendly thing to do if you see someone sitting alone at lunch?

It is kind to ask them to sit at your table or ask to sit with them at their table. 


How can bullying be prevented? 

Answers will vary

1. Always be kind and treat others with respect.

2. Follow rules

3. Stand up for others if you see someone being mean


Saying or writing mean things, posting mean photos or taking screenshots and sharing them are what type of bullying. 



What should you do if you or a friend are being bullied? 

1. Tell an adult. 

2. Fill out the bullying report form.

3. Remain calm.

4. Ask them to stop.

5. Walk away.


Some kids think it is cool to pick on other kids for their size, their hair, their face, their clothes, their shoes, etc. What should you do if you hear someone doing this to another student? 

Answers will vary. 

1. Say something to the person being mean.

2. Help the person getting picked on walk away.

3. Tell an adult. 


What is one sign of a healthy relationship/friendship? 

1. We get to be ourselves.

2. We can say 'no' and it is respected.

3. We treat each other respectfully.

4. We have fun.