what is bullying?
Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose.
What should I do if my friend or I are being bullied?
Most important don’t fight back and tell a trusted adult.
What is cyberbullying?
Using technology internet, email, cell phones, social media, and pictures to hurt or harm someone else.
Which are examples of bullying behavior?
A. hitting
B. making fun or others
C. making new friends
D. Talking about one's race or ethnicity.
Correct answers are:
Bullying can be
Hitting, pushing and shoving
Fighting and tripping someone
Yelling at someone, making rude gestures (faces, hand signs),
Taking or breaking another person’s things
Name calling
Can cyberbullying be called to law enforcement?
yes. Students may get in trouble by law enforcement for cyberbullying.
What do you think cyberbullying can be?
Sending mean text messages or DM's
Posting statements online that are unkind or not true
Sending or posting pictures that are not yours to share
Making negative comments online about someone
Agreeing with someone who posts something hurtful
How can you help put a stop to bullying?
-Report bullying when you see it happening!
-Talk to a trusted adult!
-Tell your parents if someone is bullying or cyberbullying you so they can help and protect you!
How many times can bullying happen?
Bullying can happen one time or many times to someone.
Can I delete my message or post from social media?
You may delete your post, but it will always be on the internet. You may delete your message, but the receiver will always have access to the conversation.
When can Cyberbullying happen?
All hours of the day 24/7.
Is bullying ok to do outside of school?
Absolutely not. No form or location is ok to bully others!
Where does bullying happen?
Bullying can happen anywhere such as:
Neighborhood (park)
While going to school (walking on the train or bus)
At school,
While on-line (social media)
How can parents help prevent cyberbullying?
Monitoring children’s online activities!
Can Cyberbullying effect your peers?
Students may feel invisible or anonymous while accessing the Internet, which may lead to a greater willingness to engage in negative actions. Without face-to-face interaction, students who cyber bully have no opportunity to witness the emotional distress their comments may be inflicting on a peer.
Which word means using a digital device, apps, and sites to harm or upset someone?
A. Posting
B. Cyberbullying
C. Computer
The word is;
B. Cyberbullying
Can bullying make someone feel very sad?
Yes, Bullying can make someone feel very sad and scared
What is an in-school resource for students being bullied?
Am I cyberbullying if I make a fake page or use a friend's phone to hurt or make fun of someone?
If your fingers are typing on the keyboard, you are cyberbullying.
Is believing an online rumor considered cyberbullying?