Senior School
SB Apprentice/Trainee

In the workplace as an unpaid employee, is a great way to discover your likes and dislikes when making decisions about future careers

What is Work Experience?


An option for students to undertake whilst on the White Pathway, it requires you to do paid work one day a week and complete a certificate with an RTO.

What is School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship or SAT?

A fee free course that can be undertaken with an RTO, either at school or offsite from the age of 15 at either a certificate l or ll level.
What is a VETiS funded course or VET in Schools?
A person who maintains the smooth running of car motors, gearboxes and other components such as brakes and suspension. This person will have knowledge of how a combustion engine works.
What is an Automotive Mechanic?
A person will undertake this at University and it can take up to four years full time study to complete.
What is a Bachelor's Degree?
Students in year 10 and their Parents/Carers have a meeting with a school representative and choose either a White or Green Pathway for their final 2 years of secondary schooling.
What is the SET Planning Process?

The difference between a Traineeship and an Apprenticeship. 

What is Time?

An Apprenticeship will last up to 4 years and will continue after graduation. 

A Traineeship will last 1-2 years 

You are taught the entry level skills required to enter into the building industry.
What is a Certificate l in Construction?
A person who styles, cuts and colours hair. They have knowledge of ratios and how to use chemicals safely.
What is a Hairdresser?
The name given to the Certificate you achieve upon successful completion of senior secondary schooling.
What is a QCE?
A person who cares for the Aged or Disabled in a facility. This person will have a caring nature and be okay with helping people with their toileting and showering needs on a daily basis.
What is Enrolled Nurse or an Aged/Disability care worker?
Students may choose a combination of school subjects, TAFE, VETiS or SATs.
What is the White Pathway?
A student undertaking a school-based Apprenticeship/Traineeship has 4 key stakeholders with a vested interest in their progress.
What is an Apprenticeship Centre, an Employer, their School and an RTO?
A person who cares for other people's children on a daily basis, these children range in age from 6weeks - 5yrs old. This person will have an understanding of childhood behaviour and milestones and be able to set routines and organise engaging activities to keep children occupied.
What is a Child Care Worker?
Students must undertake 6 Authority registered subjects to undertake this senior school pathway.
What the Green Pathway?
The highest level of qualification likely to be obtained from undertaking an Apprenticeship or Traineeship
What is a Certificate lll?
A company that offers teaching and training in certificate l to Diploma level courses
What is a Registered Training Organisation?