Where did the Monroe's find the bunny? What effect did this have on Chester's imagination?
At the Movie Theatre (Dracula). Chester thinks that because he was found at the movie Dracula, he must be a vampire.
Which pet is smarter, Harold or Chester? Why?
Chester, because he reads a lot of books.
What are the names of the 4 people in the Monroe Family?
Mrs. Monroe, Mr. Monroe, Toby, Pete
Tell about the first strange object that Mr. Monroe found in the refrigerator:
A dry, white tomato.
Who is the narrator of the story? What is a narrator?
Harold, the narrator is the person telling the story (the story is told from their perspective).
Describe the bunny's unusual appearance.
Red eyes, black fur in a cape shape, slicked back ears, pointed fangs.
What is one thing Harold likes to eat? What is one thing he hates?
Loves: Chocolate Cake
Hates: Green Sourballs
What are Mr. and Mrs. Monroe's jobs?
Mr. Monroe: An English Professor
Mrs. Monroe: A Lawyer
What is Bunnicula doing at night in the refridgerator?
Sucking the juice out of vegetables.
What is an "Editor's note"?
The letter to the reader from the Editor of the book.
List some of the names the family suggested for their new pet.
Bun-Bun, Fluffy, Mr. Johnson, Prince, Dracula
What did Harold wish they had named Bunnicula instead of Bunnicula?
How does the Monroe family treat their animals?
The same as humans, they explain everything to them.
Tell about the most recent strange object that Chester and Harold found:
A white zucchini.
What would you find on the contents page of the book?
The names of the chapters and what pages they start on.
What language was written on the note tied to Bunnicula's neck?
An obscure dialect from the Carpathian Mountain Region.
What are Chester's favourite types of books?
Mystery stories and tales of horror and the supernatural.
How can you tell that the Monroe Family doesn't know anything about bunnies?
They give Bunnicula milk to drink.
What object was Chester busy looking at the first time Bunnicula got out of his cage?
The new grandfather clock.
What does it mean to use "context" to figure out the meaning of a word you don't know in the story?
To read what is happening and use it to figure out what it would make sense that it means.
Name 3 things that Harold noticed that Bunnicula could not do:
1. Bunnicula cuold not move with great energy.
2. Bunnicula could not play catch.
3. Bunnicula could not awaken early in the morning.
Who was Harold named after and why?
The author G.K Chesterton. Mr. Monroe got two book written by him on his birthday and he got the cat (Chester) for his birthday too.
How does Mr. Monroe know that one of his lectures (a lesson he does for his students) is good one?
Chester doesn't fall asleep.
What does Bunnicula do that Chester says proves he is a vampire? (4 things)
1. He doesn't sleep at night.
2. He can get out of his locked cage.
3. He has long pointed teeth like fangs.
4. He bites vegetables.
Name as many of the 4 chapter titles as you can.
1. The Arrival
2. Music in the Night
3. Some Unusual Goings-On
4. A Cat Prepares