ED Nursing
Mix 1
Mix 2

These are manifestations seen in shock

What are low BP, tachycardia (except in neurogenic shock), hypoxemia, metabolic acidosis, MAP below 65 mm Hg, dysrhythmias, liver and GI function decline, decreased LOC, increased cap refill time, decreased urine output, etc....?


These are signs of inhalation injury

What are carbonaceous/sooty sputum, smoky smell to the breath, singed nose and facial hair, hoarseness, wheezing, drooling, stridor?


These are interventions following a snake bite

What is lay the client down, remove constricting items, clean the wound and cover it, immobilize the area, place in a dependent position?

This is the main reason we use decontamination protocols following exposure to specific agents

What is to reduce exposure to the healthcare workers, patients, and facility by secondary contamination?

Care for a client with carbon monoxide poisoning

What is fresh air, high flow O2, hyperbaric chamber once in the hospital.


These are the steps of the 1-hr Sepsis Bundle

What are measure lactate, remeasure if greater than 2 mmol/L; obtain blood cultures; administer broad-spectrum antibiotics; begin rapid administration of crystalloid 30 mL/kg; Start vasopressors if needed?


This is the TBSA of a client who sustained burns to the anterior torso and front of right leg

What is 27%?


This is the treatment for a client exposed to inhalation anthrax

What is administer ciprofloxacin (or other effective antibiotic)?


This is the priority treatment of a client exposed to carbon monoxide

What is remove the client from the area of CO and administer oxygen at 100%?


Treatment of anaphylactic reaction 

What is stop the infusion, give epi, O2, IV fluids, antihistamine/steroids (if needed), document reaction and new allergy in the chart, allergy bracelet.


These are causes of cardiogenic shock

What are MI, HF, cardiomyopathy, dysrhythmias, valvular rupture/stenosis?


These are the priority treatments of clients with burn injuries

What is establish an airway and start IV fluid resuscitation?


These are interventions for a client exposed to sarin gas and other nerve agents

What are seizure precautions, supportive care, meds, decontaminate with soap and water or saline for at least 20 minutes. Do not use plastic airway devices


These are the five rights of delegation

What are right task, circumstance, person, communication/directions, and supervision/evaluation?


Care for frostbite

What is re-warming with warm water, elevating extremity to prevent compartment syndrome?


This medication would be administered to a client in cardiogenic shock to increase MAP and cardiac output

What is norepinephrine (Levophed) first; 2nd-line is dobutamine?


These are signs that fluid resuscitation has been effective

What are increased BP, decreased HR, increased UOP?


These are manifestations of internal bleeding

What are decreased BP, increased HR, abdominal bruising/distention, decreased H&H, decreased LOC, etc.?


This is where you look to find the scope of practice for RNs, LPNs, and APs

What is your state Nurse Practice Act?


Care for sexual assault victim

SANE nurse assessment, obtain history of the incident, don't ask to repeat the information, go as fast as client needs to go, no wiping down or showering prior to exam, photos not always required?


These are nursing interventions to implement to prevent neurogenic shock from occurring

What are immobilize the spine if spinal cord injury and elevate HOB if client received spinal anesthesia?

This is the TBSA using the Rule of Nines for the client with burns to the anterior right arm and anterior chest

What is 13.5%?


This is the priority assessment of a client brought to the ED with multiple injuries

What is airway? Then breathing, circulation, disability (neuro), and exposure


A client is assessed following a mass casualty incident and presents with a broken arm. Radial pulses are present and cap refill is <3 secs. What color tag should this client receive?

What is green?


Manifestations of heat exhaustion

Dehydration, elevated temp, confusion, hypernatremia?