Who's Who
Play Dough
Watch Your Form
Special OPS
The Krusty Krab
In the Flow
Cheetahs Never Win
Get Onboard
Picture This

A person who risks time and money to start and manage a business

Who is an Entrepreneur?


The total amount of money that businesses take in by selling goods and services

What is Revenue?


Air BnB's platform relies heavily on hosts, and any negative experiences or dissatisfaction with hosts can impact Airbnb's reputation.

What is a Weakness?


Business owned and run by a single person who has the rights to all profits but unlimited liability

What is a Sole Proprietorship?


NikeID uses this manufacturing (and marketing) strategy by allowing customers to personalize their own Nike products, including clothing and footwear, from colors and materials to style.

What is mass customization?


Mr. Eugene Krabs, CEO of the Krusty Krab restaurant, regularly engages in this type of planning when he defines the Krusty Krab's vision for the future and identifies its organization's goals and objectives. The number one objective is always "Make More Money".

What is Strategic Planning?


Automobile, electronics, and appliance manufacturers often use this layout that organizes workers and equipment in the same sequence of production to improve efficiency while producing large quantities of product. 

What is a Product (or Assembly Line) Layout?


This motivational theory states that individuals are motivated to perform if they know that their extra performance is recognized and rewarded.

What is Expectancy Theory?


Chester Cheetah knows that Frito-Lay will report better-than-expected earnings, so he buy shares before the information becomes public, allowing him to profit from the subsequent stock price increase. 

What is Insider Trading?


When you want to hire someone new, HR drafts this part of a job listing that outlines the general tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a position.

What is a job description?


This leadership style is depicted in the cartoon:

What is Autocratic Leadership?


Someone on the Board of company who helps make high level strategic decisions and provides organizational oversight.

Who is a Director?


Total revenue minus total cost

What is Profit (or Loss)?


Air BnB's Innovative digital platform and mobile app are user-friendly, providing an easy and convenient booking experience. 

What are Strenghts?


Default organization for two or more persons carrying on business with a view to profit

What is a Partnership?


Four Dimensions of Operational Performance (in the lecture)

What are Cost, Quality, Variety, and Time?


The Krusty Krab has several strategies to prevent their only competitor and nemesis, Plankton, from stealing their secret krabby patty formula and engaged in this type of planning to create back up plans in case he does steal it.  

What is Contingency Planning?


Airplanes, spacecraft, and ships typically use this manufacturing layout because the product is too large, heavy, and sometimes complex to move easily through a production facility 

What is a Fixed Position Layout?


Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory notes that  ___ factors are needed to improve employee performance where as ___ factors are needed to avoid employee dissatisfaction. 

What are motivation (blank 1) and hygiene (blank 2) factors?


Chester Cheetah believes that the sole purpose of business is to make money and disagrees with Frito-Lay's efforts to improve sustainability and donate corporate funds to local food banks.  He believes that voluntary efforts by companies contribute to the well-being of society (or ____) will never help profitability.

What is Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR?

And, of course, Chester is wrong - CSR pays off in terms of long run profitability!


One of the first steps in hiring is this process of gathering and analyzing information about the content and the human requirements of a particular job. 

What is a job analysis?


This leadership style is depicted in this cartoon:

What is Free Rein Leadership?


An owner of a public  corporation

Who is a Stockholder?


Curve that shows the change in quantity demanded, given a change in price

What is the Demand Curve?


Increasing competition from other short-term rental platforms or traditional hotels

What are Threats?


Corporate legal structure in which the owners are taxed separately from the entity; allows preferred and common stock and unlimited owners

What is a C-Corp?


Cars, computers, and Subway sandwiches use this type of manufacturing in which components are joined together using permanent or semipermanent methods

What is an Assembly Process?


The Krusty Krab engages in this type of planning when it outlines the short-term steps and actions that will help it achieve its strategic goals of Make More Money & Don't Lose Money.  Examples include: A standing fee for customers who don't order anything, and opening the Krusty Krab 2.

What is Tactical Planning?


Food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies often use this manufacturing layout which groups similar activities or functions together because they produce a variety of products with different processing requirements. 

What is a Process (or Functional) Layout?


This five-staged motivation theory states that lower-level needs must be met before higher-level needs can be fulfilled.

What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?


Chester Cheetah decides to make extra money filling in for Tony the Tiger who was on sabbatical in Las Vegas.  He does not tell Frito-Lay he is working for a competitor, but when they find out, he is suspended for six months. Had Chester read this important company document, he would have known about this policy.

What is the Employee Handbook?


This part of a job listing outlines the qualifications, experience, training, skills, emotional attributes, mental capabilities needed to perform the job.

What is the job specification?


This leadership style is depicted in the cartoon:

What is Democratic Leadership?


The people in charge of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in a business organization

Who are Managers?


Curve showing how changes in price affect quantity supplied (e.g., an increase in price = an increase in goods supplied).

What is the Supply Curve?


Investing in advanced technologies such as augmented reality (AR) for virtual property tours or smart home features could enhance the Air BnB user experience.

What is an Opportunity?


Hybrid corporate structure in which you can elect the pass-through taxation of a partnership with the limited liability of a corporation, but does not have stock

What is an LLC?


This streamlined production practice that focuses on maximizing efficiency, minimizing waste, and continuously improving processes is being reevaluated after pandemic-induced supply chain constraints to also consider resilience.

What is Just-in-Time or Lean Manufacturing?


Squidward J. Q. Tentacles is named manager of Krusty Krab 2, where he engages in ____ planning to set work standards and schedules necessary to provide high customer service to the town of Bikini Bottom.

What is Operational Planning?


The process of managing the movement of the raw materials and parts from the beginning of production through delivery to the consumer.

What is Supply Chain Management?


Theory of motivation that suggests that employee motivation at work is driven largely by their sense of fairness

What is Equity Theory?


Count Chocula applies for applies for a position at Frito-Lay.  Chester Cheetah interviews him and scoffs, "Yeah, you're really qualified - perhaps the most qualified, but you're 200 years old!  There's no way someone that old can do a good job."  Count Chocula does not get a not get a job offer.  Under what law can Count Chocula sue Frito-Lay for discrimination?

What is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?


This form of recruitment has better retention rates, reduces onboarding time, and can motivate existing employees but may not bring new perspectives and ideas to the table.

What is internal recruitment?


This management style is depicted in the cartoon:

What is Theory Z (Management)?


Known as the Father of Scientific Management, he was one of the first to introduce workplace ergonomics, introduce the assembly line, and offer piece-rate incentive pay.

Who was Frederick Taylor?


Where the supply curve and demand curve for a particular good intersect

What is the Equilibrium Point?


Airbnb operates in nearly every country, offering a vast network of accommodations worldwide.

What is a Strength?


Limited to one stock class and 100 shareholders, but carries flow-through and liability protection benefits

What is an S-Corp?


Production of goods by putting raw materials through a series of chemical or mechanical steps that cannot be easily disassembled

What is Process Manufacturing?


Mr. Krabs found his daughter, Pearl's business decision to only serves tea and salad was losing him money, he changes course and goes back to the original krabby patty. This management function of evaluating the outcomes of a plan and making adjustments to ensure organizational goals are met is called _____.


What is Controlling?


This process controls the flow of inventory and materials by forecasting demand for materials, labor, and equipment so that the right amounts are available in the right places at the right times for production.  

What is Material Resource Planning (MRP)?


This motivation approach that involves setting specific and measurable goals for an employee to improve productivity.

What is Goal Setting Theory?


Chester Cheetah decides to lie about Cheetos nutritional information to increase sales. He claims his tasty treats have only 5 calories, no artificial flavoring, colors, or preservatives, and is a good source of protein and calcium.  Toucan Sam is outraged and reports the deception to the FDA and the press.  The resulting news article calls Sam a ___, for reporting illegal or unethical behavior in a corporation.

What is a Whistleblower?


After onboarding, the systematic process that formally documents and evaluates an employee's performance is called ___.

What is a performance appraisal?


This management theory is depicted in the cartoon:

What is Theory Y Management (or Extrinsic Motivation)?