The learning technique that involves actively recalling information.
What is retrieval practice?
A key issue with the MBTI as a personality test.
What is that it lacks scientific validity and does not reliably predict behavior?
The process by which emotions spread from one person to another, often without us realizing it is happening.
What is emotional contagion?
The motivation theory that suggests effort leads to performance, which leads to rewards.
What is expectancy theory?
What Kevin Roose suggests we should do instead of trying to compete with machines.
What is focusing on uniquely human skills like creativity, empathy, and critical thinking?
Common study methods that are less effective; these increase our sense of familiarity more than anything else.
What are re-reading material and reviewing our notes?
The Big Five trait most strongly linked to reliability and workplace success.
What is conscientiousness?
The three levels of emotional labor, from most to least taxing.
What are surface acting, deep acting, and genuine acting?
The three types of organizational justice.
What are distributive, procedural, and interactional justice?
The term Brian Little uses to refer to recovery after acting out of character for their personal projects.
What are restorative niches?
The study technique that involves spreading out learning over time instead of cramming.
What is spacing?
The Big Five trait that has been most consistently linked to experiencing stress and emotional distress.
What is neuroticism?
The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and regulate emotions in oneself and others.
What is emotional intelligence?
The reason Gomez does not explain his struggles to Dan Marlow.
What is fear of being seen as making excuses and getting fired anyway? Or, what is a lack of psychological safety?
Two things people are for (when it comes to “being human”).
What are “making and interpreting meaning” and “caring?”
The concept that learning is more effective when it is somewhat challenging.
What is desirable difficulty?
The reason people sometimes “act out of character.”
What are professionalism, and love (care)?
This describes an employee’s emotional attachment, identification, and involvement with their organization.
What is organizational commitment?
The reason Wells Fargo employees engaged in unauthorized account creation.
What is extreme pressure from leadership to meet unrealistic sales goals?
Lisa Feldman Barrett’s main argument about what emotions represent?
What is that emotions are predictions?
The primary implication of sharing cognitive labor.
What is that no one person knows everything; we rely on the knowledge of others?
The difference between personal projects and personality traits.
What is that traits describe what we have (traits), while personal projects describe what we do?
The difference between emotions and attitudes.
What is that emotions are short-lived and situational, while attitudes are more stable over time?
The theory that says that behavior is a function of its consequences. In other words, people do things because they know other things will follow.
Reinforcement theory
The paradox of Randall’s care.
What is that caring for Randall in a personalized way (i.e., deviating from the standardized practices at the care facility) was not only more effective, it was more efficient, too?