What is Intrapreneurship?
Being entrepreneurial inside of a company.
What does SWOT stand for?
Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
The MOTOWN Docurmentary
What are two characteristics for each sides of the brain?
Left- logical thinking, analytical, linear, accuracy, objective
Right-emotional, creative, imaginative, insight
What happened to Auston Matthews last summer?
He got captaincy of the Toronto Maple leafs
Why do Major Companies like Intrapreneurship?
Intrapreneurship helps major companies in marketing, saving money, and helps the company excel in all/most fields.
Describe what an Entrepreneur is?
Someone who organized and operates their own business, taking on risks.
Who was the Creator of MOTOWN?
Berry Gordy
What are the colours of De Bono's Thinking Hats?
Red, White, Black, Yellow, Blue, Green
How has Terry fox impacted the community?
Terry Fox has started a foundation for cancer research and raised over 800 million for cancer research.
What are 5 Intapreneurial Skills?
creative thinking, risk taking, adaptability, leadership, influence, strategic thinking, collaboration, problem solving, initiative
What 3 ways can you protect an invention?
Patent, Trademark, Copyright
What kind of products did Marissa McTasney innovate?
Construction gear for Women in trades.
What does smart stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely
What did Micheal Duck invent?
He invented milk and whipped cream dispenser for coffee shops
List 3 Examples of Intrapreneurship within a company?
Ex: Arie- American Eagle
Gmail- Google
Post-it- 3M
Amazon Prime- Amazon
Explain this Quote; "All Entrepreneurs are Enterprising People, but not all Enterprising People are Entrepreneurs".
Enterprising People have Enterprising Characteristics but do not own their own business.
Summarize Daddy Day Care and how it relates to Entreprenurship?
Daddy Day Care is a movie about two dads, Charlie and Phil, who lose their jobs and decide to start a daycare to make ends meet. Initially they where unprepared to start a business, but they quickly adapt and learned. Their unconventional methods and genuine care soon make the daycare a success, challenging a strict competitor.
What are three advantages of being a good observer?
Improved decision making, better problem solving, strengthen relationships, more creativity, better awareness of your opportunity's, improved learning, strong leadership
What is the difference between Entrepreneur and Enterprising person?
Enterprising is the ability to undertake tasks and has entrepreneurial characteristics. Whereas a entrepreneur would use this ability and skill to apply their knowledge towards running their businesses.
List 5 Incentives that promote Intrapreneurship
(Incentive-a reason to do something)
- A Raise - Advocation
- A Promotion - Acknoledgement
- Recognition
- Creative Freedom
List a SWOT analysis on The Weeknd?
S - Strength
W - Weakness
O - Opportunities
T - Threats
When did MOTOWN first start?
Kahoot! Winner of the Kahoot wins 500 points for their team.
500 points
What are the 4 categories and what categories do the hats go under?
problem finding-white, red, idea finding: green, solution finding: black, yellow, Action: blue