what is a proper form of greeting somebody?
Firm handshake, repeat names.
what is a pseudo conflict?
When two parties want different things and come to an agreement.
What should you not do with a company computer?
Not using the device for personal use.
what is a policy related interpersonal conflict?
when conflict relates to a decision or situation that involves both parties.
Interpersonal communication can be classified into what three relationships?
Superior subordinate, coworker, and client relationships.
What is the broncos record?
check emails daily, delete unwanted emails.
what is a value related interpersonal conflict?
what a conflict starts between two people with different underlaying values.
What term is used to describe how employees and supervisors do not share the same view of basic job duties?
Information distance.
how do you properly use a phone in a work environment?
Speak quietly but still clear, not using profanity.
what is ego related interpersonal conflict?
What is subordinate?
Lesser value, lower status.
What is the raiders record?
how do you handle small talk in a business setting?
dont involve yourself in rumors, dont tell offensive and personal things.
Who is likely to be involved in a interpersonal conflict?
coworkers/colleagues, employers/boss/manager.
Higher value.