connections and community
Safety and privacy
Screen time V.S Offline time
Technology and Data
Rights and Literacy

What is a NEGATIVE part of being in an online community?

learn form people all over the world

having everything you post be permanent

finding people with common interests

all of the above

having everything you post be permanent.


When should you talk to an adult you trust?

if your tagged online and you don't want to be, if someone asked you personal information, or unsure if you should post something.


Brain break! Why do you tell actors to "break a leg"?

Because every play has a cast!


Brain Break! What streets do ghosts haunt?

Dead ends!


A What is true about freedom expression?

B Its unlimited

C It allows you to express your ideas It allows you to express your opinions.

D Both B And C

D Both B And C


If a friend says something mean to  you online what should you do?

talk to them in person


When is it okay to share your password with a friend.

its never safe to share your password.


what is true about spending a lot of time online?

It can hurt your grades .

it can hurt your mental health.

it can hurt your relationships 

All of the above

All of the above


What makes a good password?

A password  that is a mix of numbers and symbols.


If something is copyrighted, how can it be used?

with permission, except for "fair use."


If someone asked you where you lived what should you do?

don't respond


What is a digital footprint?

A collection of data 


What is one thing you could talk to/ tell and adult about online time? 

if you feel like your missing out online.


What are some signs of malware?

Lots of pop ups, being redirected  in search engines, or computer running slowly.


What is curated content?

It is content that you have selected and are sharing.


how can you avoid emotional contagion?

spend time away from social media.


What is a good way to keep personal information private online?

turn off all location tracking on all apps.


How can you create an healthy balance between online and offline time?

Turn off notification on your phone, go on phone every other day, or Take a break online and go outside .


What might be a phishing message?

An email with a link to re-set your password.


If someone you don't know gives you feedback on your online creation, what should you do?

see what you think about there feed back 


What is "social comparison"?

Social comparison is when you compare your life to what you see someone else post online and feel like your life is worse


how can you make sure that a picture will not be shared online?

only share it in person.,

What is one thing that you should do to keep friends.

Don't look on phone when talking to a friend.


When you sign up for an app or social media account, are you letting the company use your information?



 Brain break! What do you call a can opener that can't open?

A can't opener!