Instructional Strategies
Instructional Tools
Learning Activities

This term refers to challenging actions or reactions that may require interventions to support the individual’s learning and social interactions.

What is Behavior?


This approach to teaching ensures that all students have equal access to learning by providing multiple means of engagement, representation, and action/expression.

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?


This tool is a type of chart, often used to visualize linear processes or procedures.

What is a flowchart?


Read alouds, debates, word walls, literacy stations, and graphic organizers are all examples of these.

What are literacy-based learning activities?


This type of assessment is used by students to monitor their own learning and progress

What is assessment as learning?


This neurodevelopmental disorder is characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication, and is often accompanied by restricted and repetitive behaviors.

What is autism?

This learning method involves students actively participating in their learning process through hands-on activities and real-world experiences.

What is Experiential Learning?


This alliterative tool can be used as a way to brainstorm ideas and visualize the interrelations between concepts.

What is a mind-map?


"Tell me about yourself" is a question commonly associated with these, which can also be used as an activity for learning.

What are interviews?


Teachers use this form of assessment to gather evidence about student learning to inform their teaching practices.

What is assessment for learning?


A condition affecting the ability to understand or produce language, which may impact speaking, listening, reading, or writing.

What is language disorder?


This strategy involves providing different levels of instruction and support based on students' individual needs and abilities, often through varying the complexity of tasks.

What is Tiered Instruction?


This tool, designed for assessment of learning, consists of a table describing four different levels of achievement.

What is a rubric?


This learning activity pits man versus computer in a battle of wits to determine who can find more reliable information on a research question or topic.

What is Humans vs AI?


Summative evaluations, such as final exams or standardized tests, fall under this category of assessment.

What is assessment of learning?


This condition involves below-average intellectual functioning and limited adaptive behavior, which can affect learning and daily living skills.

What is mild intellectual disability?

This instructional model engages students in extended projects that integrate various subjects and culminate in a final product or presentation.

What is Project-Based Learning?


This tool differentiates instruction by providing students with a grid of options to mix and match their assignment requirements.

What are choice boards?


This instructional method engages students in exploring real-world problems and challenges through active, hands-on projects, culminating in a final product or presentation.

What is project-based learning?


This tool, based off of a popular trivia gameshow, can be used as a form of formative assessment.

What is Jeoparydy Labs?


This type of disorder involves difficulties with acquiring academic skills despite having average or above-average intelligence, and includes issues such as dyslexia or dyscalculia.

What is Learning Disability?


This method combines traditional face-to-face classroom experiences with online learning components, offering flexibility and diverse learning opportunities.

What is Blended Learning?


This tool can be used to differentiate instruction by sorting learners into pre-determined groups which receive different learning activities to achieve the same learning outcomes.

What is a tiered assignment?


This learning approach emphasizes learning through direct experience, often involving hands-on activities, simulations, and real-life tasks to enhance understanding and skills.

What is experiential learning?


This popular type of puzzle from the New York Times can be used as an assessment tool by creating versions customized to the concepts being assessed.

What is Connections?