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What is the Americans with Disabilities Act? Page 209.
This practice involves showing favoritism to relatives and close friends when making hiring and promotion decisions.
What is nepotism?
This term refers to an employee's informing the public about the illegal or immoral behavior of an employer or an organization.
What is whistle-blowing?
This act, passed in 2002, provides legal protection for employees who report possible securities fraud, making it unlawful for companies to “discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other manner discriminate against” them.
What is the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
This occurs in an organization when employees at any level have personal interests that might reasonably be expected to lead them to make decisions or act in ways that are detrimental to their employer’s interests.
What is a conflict of interest? Page 280. The decision does not have to be expected to have a negative impact on the employer—only to affect the decision-maker’s ability to remain impartial. For example, a man is appointed to a hiring committee for a position to which his wife has applied. Even if the man’s wife is the best-qualified person for the job, his interest in the decision to hire his wife can not be said to be clearly on the side of his employer.
What is the American Federation of Labor? Page 222.
In this type of job interview, applicants may have to engage in role playing in a mock office scenario such as filling a complicated order while being distracted by noise, or dealing with a disgruntled customer.
What is a situational interview? Page 213-214.
This internal auditor at WorldCom ignored warnings from her CFO to back off before finally discovering and revealing widespread accounting scams within the firm.
Who is Cynthia Cooper?
This act, established in 1977, makes it illegal for U.S. companies to pay off foreign officials for business favors.
What is the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)?
This is remuneration (e.g., money, gifts, entertainment, preferential treatment) for the performance of an act that is inconsistent with the work contract or the nature of the work one has been hired to perform.
What is a bribe? Page 287.
What is the Congress of Industrial Organization? Page 223.
The term applies to the practice of promoting exclusively from within the firm.
What is inbreeding? Page 215.
Some experts characterize whistle-blowing as being akin to this type of behavior, common in the 1960s, in which individuals defied what they believed were unjust laws on principle in the hope of bringing about change.
What is civil disobedience?
This act, passed in 1996, makes it a federal crime to steal trade secrets.
What is the Economic Espionage Act?
This term describes any formula, pattern, device, or compilation of information which is used in one’s business and which gives the business owner an opportunity to obtain an advantage over competitors who do not know or use it.
What is a trade secret? Page 286.
What is the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission? Page 209.
This principle requires that reasons for discipline and discharge deal directly with job performance.
What is just cause? Page 216.
Most experts recommend that an employee not reveal an organization’s internal misdoings to outsiders without being in possession of this.
What is “compelling evidence”?
In this 1997 case, the Supreme Court upheld the misappropriation theory of insider trading and found that a lawyer illegally profited from confidential information concerning one of the companies represented by his employer, even though the company in question was not one of his individual clients.
What is U.S. vs. O’Hagan?
This term refers to the buying or selling of stocks (or other financial securities) by business “insiders” on the basis of information that has not yet been made public and is likely to affect the price of the stock.
What is insider trading? Page 282.
What are Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications? Page 209.
This principle requires that rules regarding discipline and discharge be clear and specific, that they be administered consistently and without discrimination and favoritism, and that workers who have violated them be given a fair and impartial hearing.
What is due process? Page 217.
Most experts agree that revealing internal organizational wrongdoings to the public should not be done unless all of these have been exhausted.
What are internal channels for dissent?
In 1971, the Securities and Exchange Commission found that the directors of Texas Gulf Suphur had violating the disclosure section of this 1934 act for purchasing stock in the company while withholding information about the rich ore strike the company had made.
What is the Securities Exchange Act (of 1934)?
This practice involves a percentage payment to a person or persons able to influence or control a source of income.
What is a kickback? Page 288.