Practitioner Issues 1
Practitioner Issues 2
Job-Seeking & Employment
Healthcare Worker Responsibilities
Financial & Life Skills

This type of interview helps job applicants learn a little more about a company's work environment and current employees

Informational interview


True or False: If a wellness practitioner is not legally required to follow HIPAA rules and regulations, they have no ethical obligation to protect their clients' information.



True or False: You only need to keep copies of your tax returns for a few years

False (they should be kept indefinitely)


Harriet, a massage therapist, sees her client, Brenda, walking down the street with some friends. Harriet approaches her and says, "hi, Brenda! I hope your back is feeling better after our last massage session. I just had an appointment open up tomorrow afternoon if you are interested!". Is this appropriate?

No. Do not acknowledge a client or your relationship with them unless the client brings it up.


How many different cover letter and resume templates should you have in your employment kit?

Two or more


Which of the following activities are essential for managing stress? (choose 3):

A. Staying hydrated

B. Seeing a doctor regularly

C. Eating properly

D. Taking breaks

E. Sleeping in on the weekends

F. Listening to soothing music

A. Staying hydrated

C. Eating properly

D. Taking breaks


Critical thinking, communication, and collaboration are all essential skills for ______ _________.

Case management


Understanding __________ is an essential component of establishing an ethical practice



True or False: A practitioner is ultimately responsible for establishing and maintaining good relationship boundaries with a client
