What does BM stand for?
Business Management
what is your filing status
DA stands for...
district attorney
Why should I hire you?
Porque deberia contractarte?
what is our typing speed
55 wpm
what does CFO mean?
Chief Financial Officer
are you a part time or full time employee
full time
SUPV stands for...
Cover letter
Carta de Presentacion
What is the appropriate time to arrive at a job interview?
10-15 minutes before
What is CS backwards
Customer service, Correctional service, and Crime Scene
3 complementary closings in a cover letter
"best regards", "cordially," and "respectfully submitted"
APP stands for...
promedio de calificacion
What month was our amazing Business Management teacher, Ms. Bovell, born in?
What does CR stand for?
court reporter
2 examples of corporate service
examples: Amazon, Apple, etc.
WC stands for...
Workers compensation
human resources
recursos humanos
what is the phone number of the school?
What is PO backwards?
Probation officer, parole officer, and police officer
2 examples of public service are
example: HEB, Walmart, etc.
BBA stands for BUT you must spell it out ON WHITE BOARD
Bachelors of Business Administration
General Equivalency Diploma
diploma de equivalencia general
Name the parts of a resume
Objective, Education, Skills, Experience, Extracurricular, References