Logo is an 'M'
What is McDonalds
Prepaid service; Orange icon with White dots
What is Boost Mobile
White Ghost on Yellow Background
What is Snapchat
4 rings
What is Audi
Logo is a flag that is Red White and Blue
What is Bank of America
Coffee shop with green circle containing a mermaid
What is Starbucks
Written in Black and Green; Prepaid Service
What is Cricket
Pink & Purple Camera
What is Instagram
What is Mustang?
Logo is a swoosh
What is Nike
Girl with Freckles and Red Pigtails
What is Wendys
A white T in a pink square
What is T-Mobile
Big blue "F"
What is Facebook
Circle with blue white and black; Ultimate Driving Machine
What is BMW
Logo is a red b
What is Beats by dre
Has a bell on it; Open late
What is Taco Bell
Has a blue globe with White Stripes
What is AT&T
blue bird
What is Twitter
Silver circle with "VW"
What is Volkswagen
This logo is a pink, blue, white, and black
What is Tik Tok
Red & white bucket of chicken
What is Kentucky Fried Chicken
Has a red check mark
What is Verizon
Red, White and Black Themed Video Platform
What is YouTube
Blue Square with the letters "GM"
What is General Motors
This logo is a castle with a shooting star
What is Disney