Unit 3 Area of Study 1
Unit 3 Area of Study 2
Unit 3 Area of Study 3
Unit 4 Area of Study 1

List the 6 types of businesses (with an example of each).

Sole Trader (hairdresser, florist, market stall), Partnership (law firms, dentist offices), Social Enterprise (STREAT), GBE (Aus Post), Public Listed Company (Comm Bank), Private Limited Company (7 Eleven)


There is a _________ relationship between human resource management and business objectives. 



The three key elements of an operations system are... Give a contemporary example of each relating to Qantas or Yakult.

Inputs, Processes, Outputs. 

I = skim milk powder, live bacteria, water, citrus flavouring, time, knowledge, labour, fermentation tanks

P = mixing, fermenting, steralisation, packaging

O = 65ml bottles of Yakult Lite and Original


Name the 10 KPIs.

Teacher to check.


What is the date and time of the end of year exam? 

6th of November, 3:00pm

Define efficiency and effectiveness.

Efficiency is how well a business uses its resources to achieve business objectives. 

Effectiveness is the degree to which a business has achieved its stated objectives. 


Name the 5 levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (and an example of each).

Physiological (basic pay), Safety/Security (job security, OH&S), Social (work events), Esteem (career advancement), Self Actualisation (opportunities for promotion, creative and challenging work).


Outline 2 differences between a manufacturing business and a service business. 

Tangibility, Storability, Occurrence of production and consumption, customer contact etc.


How does business change come about? What are the two approaches to change. 

As a result of internal and external pressures put on a business. Proactive and reactive.


How many exams is the end of year exam out of? How long is the exam?

75 marks

2 hours writing, 5 mins reading


Customers and Suppliers are both types of _________. What are their interests?


Customers = recieving high quality g&s at affordable prices, engage in businesses that ethical and sustainable, good customer service. 

Suppliers = increase revenue, earn profit from resources they supply, good relationships with businesses.


Describe an agreement as a method of determining wages and working conditions.

Negotiated between the employer and employees of a specific workplace. Above award rates. Must pass the BOOT test.


Explain how AI can increase efficiency and effectiveness. 

AI can reduce the time and labour used to complete complex tasks that would usually require human intelligence. This can allow resources to be used optimally and improve productivity = efficiency. 


Analyse the level of staff turnover at Gadget Industries. 

Teacher to check.


How many points Collingwood win the 2023 grand final by?

4 points


Explain what decentralised control and decision-making means. Which management styles have this feature?

This means that multiple people have the authority to make decisions. 

- Participative and Laissez-Faire 


Compare entitlement considerations and transition considerations.

Both provided to employees who are terminated. 

Diffs = EC are legal, TCs are not. EC apply to all forms of termination, whereas TC only apply to redundant or retired employees.


Explain each the lean management principles (POTZ).


Explain the weighting step if Lewin's Force Field Analysis. 

Identify the driving and restraining forces of the change, and allocate a weight of 1-5. 1= low impact on the change. 5 = high impact on the change. 


How many days are there until the bus man exam?

91 days 


Explain the appropriateness of the autocratic management style in relation to time and experience of employees.

Crisis situations, when an immediate response/action is required. 

Employees are new, lacking skills etc. 


Explain the role of a union in workplace relations. Give a contemporary example of a union. 

Organisations who represent and speak on behalf of employees in a particular industry to protect and improve their wages and working conditions. n


What are the 3 CSR considerations that we must know?

1. Environmental sustainability of inputs 2. The amount of waste generated from processes. 3. Amount of waste generated from outputs.


Explain Porter's Lower Cost strategy and give a contemporary example.

A business aims to be the lowest cost producer in the industry. I.e., Easy Jet, ALDI.


Which country is currently on top of the medal tally in the Olympics?
