Small to Medium Enterprises
Influences on Establishing a SME
The Business Planning Process
Critical Issues in Business Success and Failure

How many employees does a SME generally have?

199 or less


Name THREE personal qualities that influence a SME

Qualifications, skills, motivation, entrepreneurship, cultural background, gender


What is forecasting?

Analysing revenue vs cost


Name THREE critical issues in business success and failure

Business plan, staff management, identifying trends, sustaining competitive advantage, avoiding over-extension of finances, technology, economic conditions


What percentage of SMEs fail within the first three years?

Approx. 33% - 1 in 3

What are the THREE options for establishing a business?

New, existing, franchise


What THREE things must be monitored in the business planning process?

Sales, budget, profit


Describe one way that a business can maintain competitive advantage

Differentiation, innovation, cost management, cost leadership


Define insolvency

When a business is unable to pay its debts - both current and future


What are the TWO forms of finance available to a business? Give a positive and negative for each

Equity - asset but finances are impacted

Debt - easy(ish) access but interest is charged


What is the Break Even Cost formula? What does it measure?

Total all costs divided by quantity

The cost at which you need to sell a good for in order to break even - no profits, no debts


Name THREE impacts that an economic downturn can have that impact businesses

Higher unemployment, lower inflation, less economic growth, less access to lending, increasing costs


Why are SMEs more likely to succeed in regional towns?

Less competition


What are THREE legal considerations when starting a business?

Business name, zoning and health regulations


What are the FOUR resources considered in the business planning process?

Operations, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources


What does Trend Analysis track?

Total sales, profits, costs and specific product/service sales over a set period of time


What is outsourcing? How does it help SMEs?

Outsourcing = seeking external support services

Benefit to SMEs = experts, more supports, mentorship from experienced providers


What are the FOUR types of taxation that impact businesses?

Federal and state taxes, local rates and charges


Describe ONE way that a business can take corrective action if needed

Increase cost of goods/services; adjusting the business plan; inventory control; budgeting; staff training


Provide ONE example of technology leading to business failure

Blackberry or Kodak

*teacher discretion*