Employability Skills
Financial Literacy

Someone who starts their own business, or buys someone else's business.

Who is an entrepreneur?


Able to resolve situations and come up with solutions.

What is a problem solver?


Officially issued legal tender that typically consists of notes and coins.  It is the circulating medium of exchange as defined by a government.

What is money?


A software package designed to create electronic presentations consisting of a series of separate pages or slides. 

What is Microsoft Power Point?


Something you do for money versus something you do for life.

Job versus Career


Be your own boss, make your own hours, set your salary, hire who you want, etc..W

What are some advantages of being an entrepreneur?


Don’t crumble under pressure, and find ways to learn from bad experiences, bounce back when faced with difficulties or challenges.

What is resilient?


Ice cream, cell phone, video games, candy, Jordans versus food, water, shelter, basic clothing

What are wants versus needs?


A computer program that lets you type words or text which shows up in a virtual "document" on your computer screen which can, in turn, be printed or sent electronically.

What is Microsoft Word?


In general, you will have more opportunities, make more money and reduce your chances of being poor by doing this.

What is continue your education after high school?


Oprah Winfrey, Henry Ford, Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, Donald Trump, Walt Disney, Elon Musk, Thomas Edison

Who are famous entrepreneurs?


Able to carry on conversations and also write well. 

What is communicate?


When you buy this you own a piece of a company.

What is stock?


Entering data by means of a keyboard.

What is keyboarding?


This is the most important characteristic you can have according to Mrs. Yost.  It means you can be trusted....you do the right thing even when no one is watching.

What is integrity?


You could lose everything! Money, time, support, confidence....

What is the greatest risk of being an entrepreneur?


Being passionate about what you do; enthusiastic, energetic and willing to overcome obstacles to get the job done.

What is determination and drive?


A plan for how you will spend your money.

What is a budget?


Software developed and manufactured that allows users to organize, format, and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system broken up by rows and columns.

What is Microsoft Excel?


The way you hold yourself, sit in class, stand, your facial expressions, the way you move...all send silent messages about you and create an impression. 

What is body language?


Passion, perseverance, resourceful, open minded, spongelike nature (wants to learn- ALWAYS)

Motivation, unfraid to take risks, self belief, hard work, disciplined and dedicated, adaptable and flexible, product knowledge, strong money management, effective planning skills, the right connections, exit preparedness, ability to question themselves

What are some key characteristics of a successful entrepreneur?


Works well with others, even diverse groups. Contributes to work load, in other words, pulls their weight.

What is a team player?

Income that you are paid on an hourly basis.

What is a wage?


Writing the step by step instructions to tell a computer what to do.

What is coding or programming?


If you are willing to work hard, and never give up on something you will likely have this...

What is success?