Meine Arbeitszeiten sind von 8 bis 14h.
My working hours are from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Markenware ist teurer als Waren ohne Namen.
Brands (branded goods) are more expensive than no-name products.
lunch break
a farmer's market
How do you say "mein Handy" in British English and in American English?
BE = mobile (phone), AE = cell (phone)
Why do people advertise their products? Name at least one argument.
- to increase sales
- to inform people about a new product
- to attracts customers to their shop
What does the English word "chef" mean?
a market stall
What's "Zeugnis" in English?
job interview
What's an advetising campaign in German? Explain it!
Werbekampagne = mehrere Anzeigen oder Werbespots, die auf verschiedene Weise für dasselbe Produkt werben
(vocational) training
What's "Schnäppchen" in English?
a bargain
What's "Beschwerde" in English?
a complaint
My part-time job is badly paid! I need a raise!
Mein Teilzeitjob ist schlecht bezahlt. Ich brauche eine Lohnerhöhung.
Name 3 English slogans!
I'm loving it! Just do it!
You're not you when you're hungry.
Come in and find out.
She's ambitious, she wants to climb the career ladder.
Sie ist ehrgeizig, sie will auf der Karriereleiter nach oben.
In a supermarket there many aisles. What is an "aisle"?
Gang (zwischen den Regalen)
Say it in English: Ich freue mich darauf, von Ihnen zu hören.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Rund um die Uhr und 7 Tage die Woche zu arbeiten ist sehr anstrengend!
Working 24/7 is really exhausting!
What's a slogan? What's a logo? Explain in English!
slogan = the catchy phrase to advertise a product
logo = the visual sign which stands for a company
voluntary job, volunteer job
What's the special word for milk, yogurt, cheese, cream?
dairy products
What's "Personalabteilung" in English?
HR = human resources