How long are your socks required to be?
Above the ankle, mid calf.
What do you say when coming around a corner?
What items can be left on a table during busy times?
Big plates
What color is your belt supposed to be?
Where do we communicate with our team?
Group Me
What do you say coming in and out of dish pit?
Coming in/ coming out
What color rack do goblets go in?
What items are required in your apron?
Spray bottle, rag
Who do you talk to about call outs or being late?
Call the store, talk to a manager
What do you say before going to clean the restroom?
Restroom check
What color racks to non-alcoholic drink glasses go in?
What happens if you are not in uniform?
Where do we take items left at a table?
A manager
What do you say when walking behind someone?
Behind you
How do you properly empty a bus tub?
Trash in trash can, linens in linen bag, silverware in tins, plates in proper stacks, empty trash again, rinse and replace in proper area
What is a perfect uniform?
Black gringos t-shirt, black gringo's hat, name tag, black non slip shoes, black socks, black dickies style pants, black belt.
Fostering honesty and respect amongst our team members
What do we say to guests leaving the building?
Thank you have a good day!
Thank you for coming in!
What type of glasses do we leave on tables/take somewhere other than dish pit
Yucatan glasses, catalina, lowball, rocks, shot glasses, pilsners