How much honey does 2 million flowers and 550 field bees make?
1 pound of honey
What gender are all field bees?
Drones are the only ___bees in the hive.
How many eggs does the queen bee lay every day?
1,500 eggs
What do field bees do?
They work outside the beehive collecting pollen and propolis.
The honey bees make this summer will feed the hive through autumn and winter.
What gender are all house bees?
Drone bees try to find a ____ to make another beehive?
How many bees live in a single hive?
50,000 to 80,000 bees live in a single hive.
What is propolis?
buds of trees that keeps the hive dry.
What is extract?
Extract is sweet water that bees gather from flowers.
House bees feed and maintain which bee?
The queen bee.
Drone bees cannot _____?
How many queen bees live in each hive?
1 queen bee
Who carries on the business of the hive?
The house and field bees carry on the business of the hive.
What color is honey?
Tawny colored.
Field bees have two _____?
Which bees can sting
Female bees can sting.
Queen bees gather honey? True or False
False, queen bees stay in the hive their whole lives.
Based on the sentence, what does "assault" mean?
It means an attack.
What is honey made from?
House bees have what job?
House bees work hard. they feed and maintain the queen. They maintain the honeycombs. They protect the hive from assault. They keep the hive cool with their wings.
Based on the context of the sentence, what does prevail mean?
to win the battle.
What do queens eat?
What is the title of this story?
Busy Bees