Tiny, wingless insects that live on the skin and feathers of poultry and are thankfully species specific.
What is lice?
A sharp projection present on the bill or beak at hatching. It allows the hatchling to penetrate the eggshell from inside and break free.
What is an egg tooth?
The way an egg should be stored to retain freshness?
What is point end down and wide end up?
A bird with crimped, wild feathers.
What is a frizzle?
Poultry eat seeds, grass, grain, insects, lizards, toads and even field mice; making them not herbivores or carnivores, but this.
What are omnivores?
A common foot infection in birds, particularly chickens. It is caused by bacteria, primarily Staphylococcus Aureus, entering the foot through a cut, scrape, or other injury
What is Bumblefoot?
The amount of toes on an average chicken.
What is four?
It takes a hen this many produce and lay an egg.
What is 24 to 26 hours?
The number of turkey breeds.
What is one?
Poultry, like all birds, have three of these; an upper, a lower and a translucent third called a nictitating membrane which moves horizontally across the eye to protect it while flying, like a windshield wiper.
Microscopic parasites that burrow into the skin of poultry's legs and feet, causing raised, crusty scales.
A small, bump-like structure located at the base of a bird's tail that produces oil for the bird to spread to help them keep their feathers waterproof and in good condition.
What is the Uropygial Gland or Preen Gland?
The incubation period for chicken eggs.
What is 21 days?
The breeds of chickens who have five toes.
The body temperature of chickens and turkeys.
The overgrowth of any species of the protozoal gastrointestinal parasite, coccidia. These single-celled organisms can thrive in your chickens’ guts, causing diarrhea, anemia, suboptimal growth, and even death.
What is Coccidiosis?
You can fit several fingers comfortably between a chicken's pelvic bones.
Is she laying eggs?
On average, the way of determining an egg's color before it's laid.
What are the color of their earlobes?
Types of chicken combs. (There are nine)
What are Single, Rose, Pea, V, Cushion, Buttercup, Strawberry, Walnut & Carnation.
A publication giving a description of all recognized poultry breeds.
What is the Standard of Perfection?
The highly contagious respiratory disease that is classified by its surface proteins, hemagglutinin protein (H) and neuraminidase protein (N). The number after the 'H' and 'N' refers to the protein subtype.
The middle feather in the wing between the primary feather and the secondary feather.
What is the Axel Feather?
The egg white's other name.
What is Albumen?
Breeds that produce both eggs and meat but neither as efficiently as breeds bred especially for either egg or meat product.
The egg and, more precisely, the egg yolk, is a vitamin-rich food that contains all vitamins except this vitamin.
What is Vitamin C?