Rhyme Time
Name That Justice
Democratic Ideas
Who said that?

The Democratic Vice President nominee and the name of an international climate agreement.

What is (Kamala) Harris Paris?


This Supreme Court Justice passed away just last week.

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?


Most democrats support the right to access this procedure to end a pregnancy through medication or surgery.

What is Abortion?


"It's time to make our government work for all of us, and not just the one percent."

Who is Bernie Sanders?


This environmental proposal seeks sweeping regulations to curb the effects of climate change, named after FDR's massive financial restructuring. It was also grossly misrepresented as a War on Cows by Republican congressmen and pundits alike.

What is the Green New Deal?


Former POTUS and a common punctuation mark.

What is Obama Comma?


The Supreme Court Justice most obsessed with calendars and working out with P.J. and Squee.

Who is Brett Kavanaugh? 


A set of laws that regulate the sale and use of firearms by civilians.

What is gun control?


"Bernie and I agree on a lot of things, but I think I would make a better president than Bernie, and the reason for that is that getting a progressive agenda enacted is going to be really hard, and it’s going to take someone who digs into the details to make it happen."

Who is Elizabeth Warren?


The healthcare plan that would replace private insurance companies with a single public system introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders.

What is Medicare-for-All?


Former First Lady (and a recent presidential candidate) and a type of bedsheet.

What is Clinton Linen?


The first Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump after a successful Republican filibuster to delay the vote on Judge Merrick Garland.

Who is Neil Gorsuch?


The democratic stance on taxing the wealthy (high taxes or low taxes).

What is supporting higher payroll taxes on the wealthy?


In response to Biden's comments on decriminalizing marijuana, this candidate said "I thought you might have been high."

Who is Cory Booker?


A program where gun owners would be required to turn in guns to the federal government in exchange for compensation for the weapon.

What is a Mandatory Buyback?


A hashtag that became the unofficial slogan of Bernie Sanders' campaign and something Trump has yet to release (that all Presidents before him have).

What is Feel the Bern, tax returns?


The current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Who is John Roberts?


This often criticized phenomenon relates to the avoidance of speech or expression that exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people.

What is Political Correctness or PC?


"There was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. That little girl was me."

Who is Kamala Harris?


A version of this plan was brought forward by democratic nominee candidate Andrew Yang and involves giving each citizen a direct payment (details vary plan to plan).

What is Universal Basic Income or UBI?


The phenomenon of voting for a certain Vermont senator or no one else and the description found on US currency.

What is Bernie or bust, in God we Trust?


The first Latina Supreme Court Justice.

Who is Sonia Sotomayor?


This is the animal that represents the democratic party.

What is the Donkey?


"I will tell you what the Russians want. They don’t have a political party. They want chaos, and chaos is what is coming our way."

Who is Pete Buttigieg?


These laws force judges to sentence offenders to at least some prison time regardless of specific circumstances or how serious the offense was.

What are Mandatory Minimum Sentences?