2020 streaming
2020 strangeness
Those we lost
2020 Pandemic

The name of the Netflix documentary about Joe Exotic.

What is Tiger King?


The city and country of the 2020 summer Olympics that have been postponed.

Where is Tokyo, Japan?


In 2014, Guinness World Records announced that this person had broken the record for the most game show episodes hosted by the same person on the same program.

Who is Alex Trebek?


Name of the $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th U.S. Congress and signed into law by on March 27, 2020, in response to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

What is the CARES Act?

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act


The Chinese city where the coronavirus started.

What is Wuhan?


This Broadway show debuted on DisneyPlus on July 3, 2020.

What is Hamilton?


For the four-week period ending April 11, sales of this baking product jumped 410% year over year, causing nationwide shortages.

What is yeast?


This Scotland-born movie star was portrayed by Will Ferrell on Saturday Night Live.

Who is Sean Connery?


This social media site that debuted in 2016 rocketed to attention and became entangled in political affairs.

What is TikTok?


In which country was the first COVID-19 case recorded outside China?

Where is Thailand?


In the 2020 Emmys, this Canadian TV show won all four main acting categories, as well as all seven major awards.

What is Schitt's Creek?


The United States Department of Defense officially released three short videos showing "unidentified aerial phenomena", otherwise known as this short 3 letter acronym.

What is UFO?


With a nickname proclaiming her notorious, this Superme Court Justice and pioneer of women's rights died at age 87 on September 18th.

Who is Ruth Bader Ginsberg?


Joe Biden won this many more votes in the popular vote than President Trump.

What is >7 million more votes than President Trump.


True or False: COVID-19 has currently been detected on all seven continents.

False. Antarctica has no confirmed cases of COVID-19


Name of a popular Netflix show where a young girl reveals an astonishing talent for chess and begins an unlikely journey to stardom while grappling with addiction.

What is Queen's Gambit?


This is the social media platform through which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they were stepping down as senior royals.

What is Instagram?


One of the most influential and revered folk and country songwriters of the last 50 years

Who is John Prine?


In a leak of his tax returns, Donald Trump allegedly paid this much in income tax during his first year in the White House.

What is $750?


These two companies led the first FDA early-use-authorized Coronavirus vaccine.

What is Pfizer & BioNTech?


In a suburban fantasy world, two teenage elf brothers embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there.

What is Onward?


Devastating Fires affected these two regions of the world this year.

What are the Australian Bushfires and the West Coast Wildfires in the US?


This charismatic actor who died in August at age 43, built his career playing historic Black icons, including barrier-breaking baseball player Jackie Robinson in 42, music icon James Brown in "Get on Up", and Thurgood Marshall in "Marshall" and King T'Challa in the "Black Panther" franchise. 

Who is Chadwick Boseman?


Pardoned: He was Trump's first national security adviser who was fired (by Trump) for lying to both the vice president and the FBI. 

Who is Michael Flynn?


The chemical composition of the SARS-COV-2 genome.

What is positive-sense single-stranded RNA?