What is Christian's astrological sign?
LIBRA (duh!)
Who doesn't love holidays??
What's Christian's favourite holiday? Bonus 100 if you can guess why.
New Years Eve! To give kisses and turn a new leaf
What is Christian's biggest pet peeve?
Entitlement (yuck!)
Is Christian an introvert or extrovert?
Introvert! Are you surprised?
Favourite soda?
Coke Zero
Peewee Cubs
What kind of dancing does Christian do? Bonus 100 points if you can guess when he started.
Breakdancing! Started in High School (he's pretty cool I guess).
Christian loves food! If he could only pick one cuisine, what would he eat as the only food for the remainder of his life?
Japanese food! YUM
What is Christian pursuing his PhD in and what school? (you have to get both answers correct to get the points).
Political Science at York University in Toronto! GO CHRISTIAN!
Where was Christian born?
a) Vancouver
b) Calgary
c) Manila
d) Cebu City
e) None of the above
B) Calgary! YEEHAW
Christian loves his partner, Michelle! AWWWW
Where did they meet?
An art museum! A true love story :')
Christian is a DJ!! What's a playlist name that he's showed us?
Filipino Dad :)
Middle names. This one is unique so if you guess correctly, you're a superstar. What is Christian's middle name?
AGUASIN! (it's his mom's maiden name, how cool?!?!)
Workin 9-5! What a way to make a livin'!!! Except Christian, he's done working his 9-5 for a while!
What was Christian's first job? Bonus 50 points if you can guess the location (that was a hint).
50pts: at Cross Iron Mills!
Fun fact, his manager had a tattoo of the boathouse logo! (would anyone get an AAISA tattoo?)
What's a guilty pleasure that Christian has?
Adding clothing items to an online cart and not buying them