A person who walks around with a group at a museum and explains the works of art
This artist was one of the leading painters of the Baroque movement in the 1500's and 1600's. He painted A LOT of self-portraits.
Art that was made BEFORE writing...drawings were recorded on the walls of caves.
Prehistoric Art
This is the study of birds
Pablo Picasso (Cubist artist) and Salvador Dali (Surrealist artist) were both from this European country.
What was the subject of most of John James Audubon's artwork?
This artist helped begin the Cubism art movement. This was a way of making art by combining views of a person or object from all angles and sides into one picture.
Pablo Picasso
This art movement featured artists like Andy Warhol and typically shows bright flashy colors and famous icons of the 1950's and 1960's.
When you make a portrait of a person's face from the side (seeing only one eye and one ear)
The two people that posed for this American painting by Grant Wood were actually the artist's sister and his dentist.
American Gothic
This artist began in advertizing by making drawings of shoes for magazines. Hint: He also wore wigs sometimes.
Andy Warhol
Leonardo da Vinci was a major player in this art movement. He kept thousands of pages of sketchbook ideas! This word also means "Rebirth" in Italian.
A large wall covering for the Middle Ages that had picture and words. These also helped to keep the castle warm.
This French Impressionist artist had a waterlily pond in his back garden where he frequently painted.
Claude Monet
This artist of the Renaissance painted the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper.
Leonardo da Vinci
This artist painted echo shapes to illustrate what sound could look like. This was a very abstract thought!
Kandinsky (Kindergarten Art)
Art that is made NOW....most modern on our timeline.
Contemporary Art
This type of very old vase was purchased at a flea market by a family and used as an umbrella holder in their home before they realized how valuable it was!!
Ming Dynasty Vase
The invention of THIS in the late 1800's (art made with a camera) helped begin the modern art movement where artists began making art that was not so realistic.
This artist once combined a lobster and a rotary telephone to make a very bizarre sculpture.
Salvador Dali
This civilization used heiroglyphics as an early form of writing and they built pyramids for their pharaohs!
Egyptian Art
A line of hereditary rulers in an area over a period of time. The Ming ____________.
These types of windows in buildings throughout the Middle Ages (typically found in Gothic cathedrals), would show pictures from religious books. This was because many people during the Middle Ages did not know how to read. (Pictures told the stories!)
Stained-Glass windows