The reign of Justinian I
The Eastern Orthodox church

Conflict between east and west

Constantinople was more than 800 miles to the east of Rome. Why did Constantine choose this site to be the capital of the Roman Empire ?

What is surrounded by water on three sides, crossroads of Europe and Asia.


What event forced Justinian I to start rebuilding parts of Constantinople ?

What is a full-scale rebellion which ended with the city of Constantinople lying in ruins.


Describe the relationship between religion and government in the Byzantine Empire ?

What is The Byzantines viewed the emperor not just as the head of the government but as the living representative of God and Jesus Christ.


Medieval Europe and the Byzantine Empire were united in a single faith, Christianity. Over the centuries, however, …

 led to conflict between the two parts of the old Roman Empire. What is cultural, political, and religious differences


How many people are in Constantinople ?

Constantinople was home to around one million people.


What were some of the improvements made to Constantinople as a result of Justinian’s public works projects ?

  What is Constantinople had new bridges, public baths, parks, roads, and hospitals.  many grand churches,


Over time, the Byzantine Church separated from the Church in Rome and became known as …

What is The Eastern Orthodox


The eastern half of the empire had …

What is many cities, much trade, and great wealth.


If unemployed you can get a job such as ?

What if  unemployed performed tasks such as sweeping the streets and weeding public gardens.


Why was Justinian’s Code significant ?

 What is the basis for many legal codes in the western world.


The Byzantines viewed the emperor not just as the head of the government but as …

What is  the living representative of God and Jesus Christ.


The western half was mostly …

What was rural and agricultural, and not nearly as wealthy.


Ships crowded the city's harbor, loaded with goods. The city streets, some narrow and twisting, some grand and broad, teemed with camel and mule trains, what Items do they trade ?

What is oil, wine, salt, fish, meat, vegetables, other alimentary products, timber and wax.


Besides rebuilding Constantinople, Justinian tried to reclaim some of the Roman Empire's lost territory. He launched military campaigns that, for a time, took back parts of …

What is North Africa, Italy, and Spain.


Orthodox priests served under …

What is  patriarchs and other bishops. Unlike Roman Catholic priests, many Orthodox priests were allowed to marry.


The first major disagreement concerned religious icons. Many Christians in medieval times used images of Jesus, Mary, and the saints in worship and prayer. Some Christians in the east, however, believed that people were wrongly worshiping the icons as if they were divine, so in 730 C.E., what did the emperor do ?

What is Byzantine emperor Leo III banned the use of religious images in all Christian churches and homes.


What food do they eat in Constantinople ?

What is bread and dishes made from cereals, as well as olives, fresh or preserved vegetables and fruits, and salted or dry fish and caviar


Justinian is most famous for …

What is creating a systematic body of law?


Both the clergy and worshippers sang or …

What is chanted the liturgy, or form of public worship.


Another major disagreement occurred in 800 C.E., a time when Empress Irene ruled the Byzantine Empire. Because she was a woman, Pope

Leo III did not view her as honorable or strong enough to govern who did he crown instead ? 

What is Charlemagne?