In 395 AD, the Roman Empire was permanently divided into two parts. The eastern portion became known as this, which would later become the Byzantine Empire.
Answer: What is the Eastern Roman Empire?
Theodora’s message to Justinian during the Nika Riots was extremely powerful. What did she say?
Theodora believed they should stay; would rather die a royal and keep her title then runaway
List the two themes of Byzantine Art
Religion + Imperial Power
Approximately how many years did the Byzantine Empire last
1000 years (millennia)
This group defeated the Byzantine Walls and conquered the empire in 1453
Ottoman Turks
This Roman emperor is considered the founder of the Byzantine Empire, as he moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, renaming it Constantinople in 330 AD.
Answer: Who is Constantine the Great?
Explain the major defense the city of Constantinople had (More than just “walls”)
Greek fire, motes, multiple layers, strong army
A pattern or image made of small pieces of colored ceramic, held in place by plaster and covering a surface
Byzantine scholars were able to preserve Greek and Roman tradition, later sparking this European intellectual movement
Leader of the Ottoman Turks that ordered an attack on Constantinople
Sultan Mehmed
Why was Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire so successful?
Water, Trade routes
This emperor split the Roman Empire in 286 AD into East and West
The Christian church split into these two branches:
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox
Explain how the Great Schism is evident today
Many different branches of Christianity are practiced toda
List some problems that led to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire
Constant invasions, disease, economic problems
List the three names the capital of the Byzantine Empire would be called (hint: one is after its collapse)
Byzantium, Constantinople, Istanbul
List two major changes made by Emperor Constantine
Moved capital to Constantinople, Granted religious freedom/christianity
This area was used for chariot races and other large events held for entertainment
Why is Justinian’s Code important today?
Serves as basis for legal systems in countries all around the world
Religion of the group that conquered the Byzantine Empire
The Roman Empire continued to decline once it split with the east. List 3 reasons why the West ultimately collapsed.
Political invaders, civil war, pandemic, droughts, inflation, geographic size
Describe Justinian’s two major accomplishments
Justinians Code, Hagia Sophia, reconquered Roman territory
List some of the issues that the church was facing that led to the Great Schism
Cultural, political, religious differences (power of pope, traditions of bible, holy trinity, marriage)
Explain the influence the Byzantine Empire had on Russia
Cyrillic alphabet, missionaries spread religion of eastern orthodox
This event wiped out nearly half of the Mediterranean Population and was a major reason why the Byzantine Empire became so weak
Plague of Justinian