Muslim place of worship?
What is a mosque.
means one who submits.
What is a Muslim.
Was a poet, mathematician, and an astronomer.
Who was Omar Khayyam.
Latin name for Justinian law.
What is Corpus Juris Civilis.
The king that saved Christian Europe?
Who was Charles Martel.
Sacred holy book of Islam?
What is the Koran or Quran
name of the temple the Muslims believe Abraham built.
What is the Kaaba.
a beautiful form of writing developed by the Muslims.
What is calligraphy.
greatest emperor of the East, began his reign in 527.
Who was Justinian.
Name the four patriarchates.
What was Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Jerusalem.
The Arabic word for God?
What is Allah.
Muslim word for holy war?
What is jihad.
nickname of St. John Chrysostom.
What was Golden Mouth.
Justinian's wife whom he married in 523.
Who was Theodora.
What is the name of the two Islamic groups after the succession of the Caliphs.
Who are Sunnis and Shiites.
means submission or complete obedience or total surrender.
What is Islam.
the most important event in the Islamic calendar?
What is the Hegira.
word means zero or empty.
What is sifr.
last Roman emperor who ruled the Eastern and Western empires.
Who was Theodosius.
two ways Islam spread across the continents.
What is Warfare and Conquest.
a sermon in the Koran (Qu'ran)
What is a Sura.
City of the Prophet?
What is Medina.
colorful geometric designs.
What are mosaics.
Name of the empire after the death and end of Justinian rule.
What was the Byzantine Empire.
What Muslim's did to those that they conquered who refused to convert to their religion.
What is placed a heavy tax on them almost forcing them to convert.