COMMUNISM (Clue, 1985)
"It's not what you have, it's what you don't have that counts."
(n.) the feeling of love, devotion, and a sense of attachment to one's country
America! America!
[definite article] + x = [indefinite article] + 1/3(yard)
Solve for x.

Who is the bookie?

Jake Wexler


Why did Sandy McSouthers have a bruise on his leg the day he "died"?

Turtle kicked Barney Northrup.


1. On what day did the tenants-to-be receive their invitations to Sunset Towers?

2. On what day did Julian R. Eastman die?

July 4th


What nickname does Turtle give Flora?



What game do Sandy McSouthers and Julian R. Eastman play with Turtle and Sam Westing play with Judge Ford during her childhood?



Who is the bomber? Explain the situation.

Angela set bombs in an attempt to escape all the fawning attention she receives.

How many clients did P.I. Otis Amber have? Name them.
1. Sam Westing (to keep Crow out of trouble)

2. Barney Northrup (to investigate some of the Sunset Towers tenants)
3. Judge Ford (to investigate all of the heirs except her and Sandy)


What is the term whose definition forms the title of this category?



What is Turtle's fake name?



Who wins the windfall?



Who is the burglar? Explain the situation

Madame Hoo stole various things around Sunset Towers to sell in order to go back to China


What is the story of Violet Westing?

She wanted to marry George Theodorakis, but her mother forced her to get engaged to a corrupt politician. To escape, she killed herself by drowning.


What patriotic American song forms the text of Sam Westing's clues?

"America the Beautiful"


What is Turtle's real name?



What name is revealed by Sam Westing's clues?

Berthe Erica Crow


Who is the mistake? Explain the situation.

Sydelle Pulaski is the mistaken recipient of Sam Westing's invitation to his final game; he intended to invite Sybil Pulaski.


"It's not what you have, it's what you don't have that counts." Obviously, this is the trick to solving the clues: the missing parts spell out the answer. There are two more major ways Westing's game illustrates this.

1. "Berthe Erica Crow" is the answer to the clues. But what is the real answer to Sam Westing's accusation: "My life was taken by me—by one of you!"?

2. Westing's will says, "The one who wins the windfall is the one who finds the ________." What is the missing word?

1. Sam Westing's life was taken by Sandy McSouthers when he changed his identity.

2. the FOURTH


What is "Uncle" Sam Westing's best-remembered patriotic disguise?

Betsy Ross (the woman who sewed one of the first official American flags)


List all four of Windy Windkloppel's alter egos.

- Sam W. Westing

- Julian R. Eastman

- Sandy McSouthers

- Barney Northrup


What is the "Westing Trap"?

A move in chess in which you sacrifice your queen in order to trap the other player into letting their guard down -> checkmate


How many times does Angela kickflip?



What is Angela's daughter's name?



During the Great Depression, James Truslow Adams essentially coined the term "the American Dream." He defined it as "that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. [...] It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."

Which character in The Westing Game do you think best exemplifies the American Dream? Explain.



In Chapter 16, Grace ordered Angela to read the card tied to the yellow-ribboned box. What fake name is signed on this card?

Cookie Barfspringer  (p. 95)


List the pairs of heirs. Describe why each pair is a good match.

(7 pairs, 14 heirs)

Turtle Wexler & Flora Baumbach

Angela Wexler & Sydelle Pulaski

Jake Wexler & Madame Sun Lin Hoo

Grace Wexler & James Shin Hoo

Doug Hoo & Theo Theodorakis

Otis Amber & Berthe Erica Crow

Chris Theodorakis & D. Denton Deere

Explanations may vary :)