Draw Down
What is the drop from static to pumping level?
Air Gap
What is a physical separation between the water line and the tank?
Flocculation, Sedimentation, and Filtration
What are the 3 steps of turbidity removal?
How much heaver is Cl2 than air?
L x W
What is the formula for square feet?
What is Suction lift + Head + friction loss
Cross Connection
What is a potable water source connected to a non-potable water source?
What is suspended material in water?
What is the expansion rate of Cl2 liquid ?
.785D2Hx 7.48
What is the formula for gallons?
What is disease causing organisms
Back Flow
What is a low pressure in the water system forming a hydraulic suction?
Jar Test
What is the test an operator uses to determine the proper amount of coagulant to feed?
158 OF - 165 OF
What temp does fusible plugs melt?
MGD x 8.34 x mg/L
What is the formula for Lbs?
Wear Rings
What is an inexpensive replaceable component of a pump
Back Pressure
What is a higher pressure that the water system forcing non potable water into the system?
Turbidity, Color, Temperature, Taste, and Odor
What are the physical characteristics of water?
What is disinfectant compound that is formed when Cl2 and ammonia are combined in water?
Volume, gals/Flow,gph
What is the formula for detention time?
What year did the EPA ban lead solder?
What is a device that consist of two spring loaded check valves and a pressure relief valve between them? Reduced Pressure Zone
Coagulant and Alkalinity
What has a chemical and physical reaction to form flocc?
Breakpoint Chlorination
What is the point when the demand has been met, all combined Cl2 compounds have been oxidized and a free Cl2 residual is formed?
(Flow, gpm)(Head, ft)/3960
What is the formula for WHP?