Chronic Distress
Thoughts & Emotions
Goals & values
Distress Management

Type of behavior we engage in when our core premise is activated which is self-defeating.

Escape Behavior


What is mindfulness?

Paying attention to the present moment without judgment or attachment 


Name the emotion you are currently feeling and how you know.

To be judged for accuracy by group leader.


What are values?

They are our deepest desires for ourselves, what makes our life meaningful. 


When do we use DM skills?

When we are in crisis and don't want to make the situation worse.


Avoidant behavior is behavior that...

Is meant to disprove our core premise/help us be a "model person."


What is 1 of the 2 categories of core mindfulness skills.

"What" & "How" skills


How does one "ride the wave" or engage in mindfulness to emotions.

Anchor on the body and observe the sensations. Engage in some willingness practice (breath, imager, posture) Notice thoughts and redirect attention back to the body.


What is the difference between values and goals?

Values are what we build our life around & are not achievable/do not have an endpoint. Goals are how we pursue and act out our values. They are achievable and can have an endpoint. 


What does the "T" in T.I.P.P stand for?



What is a core premise and what is yours?

To be judged by group leader.


Give an example of a judgmental thought and then it's descriptive counterpart.

To be judged by group leader.


What is "unhooking?"

Mindfulness of thoughts. Moving away from content of thoughts so that you can behave out of goals and values rather than emotions/urges.


What is a SMART goal and why is it important to make SMART goals? (Not looking for the specific acronym but rather a general sense of what it is)

S – Specific

M – Meaningful- attach to values

A – Achievable- realistic

R – Recordable (measurable)

T – Time-Bound

SMART goals make it more likely we will achieve our goal by breaking it down into smaller steps, making it specific, and addressing barriers ahead of time.


Why use radical acknowledgment? (as opposed to denying reality) 

It reduces suffering 

You won't do anything about something you aren't willing to acknowledge

Denying reality doesn't change reality 


Provide an example of:

a thought that is part of your avoidant process

a thought that is part of your escape process

To be judged by group leader. 


When you take what you are experiencing through your senses and put it to words you are using what skill?

The "describe" skill


What is the difference between thoughts and thinking?

Thoughts intrude upon our awareness and are not within our control.  

Thinking is a behavior you choose to engage in.


What role do values play in pursuing wellness? (i.e how do we use the knowledge of our values once we have it?)

They help us organize our behavior and engender willingness


Intentionally choosing to not do what is required in a situation, to not act effectively is called.



Name one of the conditions that moves us from avoidant to escape behavior and or one of the conditions that moves us from escape to avoidant?

Exhaustion/Overwhelmed from avoidant to escape

Guilt/Reassurance from escape to avoidant


What is one reason you are encouraged to have an individual seated mindfulness practice?

Increases self-awareness

Allows us to practice non-reactivity

Strengthens our ability to be attentive 

Allows us to practice taking a kind & gentle stance toward ourselves 

Increases willingness & acceptance


Provide an example of an "unhooking" skill.

To be judged for accuracy by group leader.


What is a behavioral goal and why do we want to pursue them as opposed to emotional goals or outcome goals?

We can't control emotions or outcomes. We can control our behavior. 


What is the potential risk of using DM skills?

They can be misused and actually be in the service of escape and avoidance- keeping us stuck in the cycle of chronic distress.