True or False:
We keep our supplies in our bookbags or cubbies.
We only keep our Reading Workbooks in our desks.
What is our noise level when we line up?
Level Zero!
True or False:
Whisper Level means only your partner or the person next to you should hear you.
Where does your bookbag go?
On the back of your chair!
How do we get Mrs. Levesque's attention?
We stay in our seat, raise our hand & wait to be called on!
True or False:
We should ask to go to the restroom when our teacher is teaching or talking.
We wait until she is finished!
What do we do with our chair when we get up from our desk?
Push our chair in!
True or False:
It is okay to sharpen your pencil while your teacher is teaching or talking.
You can sharpen your pencil when your teaching is done & has given you permission.
What should I always have sharpened & ready at my desk for class?
A pencil!
Where do we turn in assignments?
Second tray on black cart!
True or False:
It's okay to play around during group work.
When we drop trash on the floor, what do we do?
Pick it up & put it in the trashcan!
True or False:
I shouldn't try to use the restroom when we have our restroom break. I should wait & ask to go in the middle of class.
Always try to use the restroom during a restroom break.
What is the first thing you should do when you get your paper?
Write your name!
How do we ask to go to the restroom?
*Show the symbol*
We do not talk when our teacher or other students are talking.
We show our teacher & classmates respect.
How do we walk in the hallway?
Level zero, face forward, hands by our sides!
True or False:
When I borrow a book from our classroom library, I return it to the bin I found it in.
Put the book back how you found it.
When can you go to the treasure box?
On Fridays, if you have 25 reward tickets!
What does it mean when Mrs. Mallard says "Give me five & holds up her hand!"
Turn your voices off! Level Zero.
True or False:
It's okay to put my feet on my chair.
We sit on our bottoms in our seat.
When is it okay to get out of my seat?
When your teacher has given you permission!
True or False:
When we get our Chromebooks & are allowed to bring them home, we charge them only when they are about to die.
We charge our Chromebooks every night so they are ready for school the next day!
Where do you put extra pencils found on the floor?
In the pencil buckets on the black cart!